Mitch Kelleher

I just bought a GR86 in January, so this might be some help: Toyota won’t do special orders, they do allocations based on the idea of some forecasting eunuch used to selling beige CUVs idea of what people want. Of the desirable specs that actually trickle into market, you’re at the mercy of location, both geographic

They’ll be driven once by the 20 year old son the oil baron bought it for and driven at top speed until it runs out of fuel, whereupon it’s abandoned in the desert.

MA uses a variety of treatments depending upon conditions and area. A rock salt/calcium chloride mix is used in low salt areas, like wetlands. Not sure how much less salt that adds to the environment as that’s still salt, but from what I remember from my time in MI, there is a lot more salt applied there.

Ew, but, yup, that’s exactly what I expected to see.

They’re probably already sold out for the next few years and I don’t give a shit about purity nonsense, but I don’t get the appeal of these super SUVs. The big thing with exotic sports cars is the visual impact from the stand-out proportions and often extravagant styling—they were/are dream vehicles meant to awe and

I used to love Ferraris, but I’m not sure there’s much of anything much past the old man’s death that I find inspiring and it’s been really dry since they crawled up their own ass and dumped Pininfarina. F355, maybe, and I liked the Maranello until I saw a few of them and started to find them to be too predictable and

I believe the word is that they’re up to 6 generals now.

Some people need to get the bag beat out of them to give them some perspective and if that doesn’t work, somebody else at least gets some satisfaction out of it.

Maybe my reactions are unusual, but I would think a lot of people would do the same. It’s not the same as driving down the street to the store and getting caught by surprise. This kid knew he was in a tornado—adrenaline would be pumping and every bit of him screaming to get the fuck out of there. While I’ve never been

The AVG weren’t USAAF, they were well-paid volunteers—essentially a mercenary force (though I don’t like that loaded word in their case)—who had to resign from the USAAF in order to join (and were largely stiffed by the AAF when they became part of the 23rd FG). They were made up of men who were already trained and

How long does it take to coordinate with the host nation, produce materiel for all branches and theaters (Pacific, North Atlantic convoy escort, eventual North Africa campaign, home defense, Lend/Lease, etc.), train pilots, gunners, bombardiers, radio operators, mechanics, officers, etc., build infrastructure,

I hate trucks, but was considering a Maverick after my Focus ST cracked its head (apparently a Ford design defect) as anything else in its price range is a penalty box devoid of character or overpriced when optioned enough to have just a little bit of character—if those options are even available—and the Maverick has

I’m so glad I live somewhere that has a preponderance of good independent restaurants of varying types of food over garbage to mediocre chains with the exception of . . .

I wish they would do this shit to the goddamn Dunkins around here. Their fucking junky customers are too lazy or stupid to make coffee at home or get

Why does he have so much overflow? I don’t understand why he can’t manage the shop so he can have people bring their cars in closer to when they can actually be serviced. Maybe he’d still have a handful he’d need to street park on occasion, but not so many as to take up the streets.

It was exactly my first thought that someone just grabbed a “flags of the world” graphic and I love their passive aggressive response to the ridiculous criticism. How the hell does someone even notice this shit in the first place? What, did they do a “CSI enhance” to every angle of the damn helmet seeing if they could

What? Holy shit, that dude is having some serious issues with his feelings in so many areas. I’d feel bad for them if they weren’t so aggressively terrible.

The right wing went post-parody years ago. There is no way left remaining to exaggerate them for comedic effect as what they actually say and do exceeds the comedic creativity of anyone of even half a sound mind.


If they sell the cargo version, I could see those being popular with small delivery/catering type businesses, say wedding cake bakers or florists. There’s a lot of area for logos and the happy shape will attract attention on its own (at least for the first few years).