Mitch Kelleher

My Camry had a weird cylindrical shift knob (replaced it with a 2" wood knob) that was terrible to use. Was it something like that?

At only 180k miles, my ST cracked its head in September (although it still drove fine minus the rear-visibility-obscuring smoke screen until it warmed up) and nobody around wanted to do an engine swap in anything resembling a reasonable timeframe, so I figured that door was closed and it was time to move on (a hard

While I never tried it and it likely varies by state, there’s always the option to register it yourself. If it’s like MA, he could have bought it and transferred his plates from his previous vehicle to the Bronco and he’d have 10 days to register it.

Yup, and it’s likely not the weight that’s dropping his mph, but the horrendous aero.

It has the kind of styling that certain people who aren’t cool think looks cool, though I guess in comparison to the Ecosport and Trax, it does qualify. I can’t believe those two POS were lower on owner regret, though I guess the kind of person who would buy those without any kind of styling to lure in someone with

While I’m sure I would be giving too much credit for intention, there is something to weight and a smoother ride in a vehicle with a larger difference between curb and gross vehicle weight. If you have to tune a suspension to handle a difference of, say, 800 lbs., that task is easier if that range is a smaller

No, I just bought this in November because my previous car’s head cracked and it was the cheapest not-half-broken car on the market, probably because it’s a manual. I could almost see some of my neighbors sending me a similar letter if they could see the car from their property.

This right here! Zoning should force them to have a larger area so that their trashy, littering junkies (also talking about Dunkins) too stupid to buy a $30 coffee maker with a timer on it don’t block traffic on the major roads they are often located on.

It’s like that for a lot of things: it’s a luxury in that it costs more and delivers less for the increased cost beyond maybe a positive emotional response. A Corolla isn’t luxury, but an equivalent-sized-and-function car that costs twice as much is. Maybe it has a bigger engine or better interior or endless array of

I think luxury is more “costs more than cheaper size and purpose equivalent” and I’d maybe add “anything that is impractical in comparison to other offerings in its price point or beyond” than any kind of features. It certainly has nothing to do with reliability and sometimes doesn’t seem to consider build quality.

Test drove my GR86 yesterday. I think it had warmed up to 16 F by then. Loved it on the simple drive, but not the best time to buy a sports car. Came about 2 months early, so I’m keeping the old Camry at least for the winter. No markup!

All of this seconded!

Sure, longer life, but it it worth such a price?

Plus, what is Rolls-Royce’s record production, the equivalent of the weekly production of a 3-series? Prioritizing RR would barely be a blip on overall parent company production, anyway.

Neutral: comfortable seat, stereo with a USB input, heat, and A/C. Sunroof is great, but the absence isn’t a deal breaker. Would pay more to pretty much have none of the rest of the ever-lengthening list of annoying crap they jam in modern cars, including any BS driver “aids” beyond ABS and definitely no electronic

I have a similar setup for my kayaks. Ceiling is a lot lower, so it was a bit tricky getting the pulleys flush enough to allow the kayaks to be raised into the short space between the plane of the retracted garage door and ceiling, but it works well.

If you want the decals and can’t find them, you can print them using inkjet print paper and clear over it before applying or, of course, just cut it from graphic vinyl. I’ve done both and the latter is much easier, though the former has its charm and makes more intricate drawings easier, like say a pinup on a WW2

OK, I suspected—as others have guessed here already—why you were confused. One of the most confusing things about bikes is “standards” and few are as bad as tire/wheel sizes. There are multiple different “26 inch”, “28 inch”, and others. Even knowing this, I mistakenly bought a set of the wrong 26 inch size rims when

I can say the same about some bikes I have that are worse than that. I try to tell myself that it’s not about the money—anyone can just buy a bike. Sometimes I actually believe it. Love that green!

An equally petty person would return those pennies one at a time through the windows via wrist rocket.