Mitch Kelleher

I’ve done the same. If he used directional tires, he wouldn’t even have to do that. I have directionals now and just jack up one side, swap them F to R, and repeat on the opposite side. Quicker than just driving somewhere to pay someone else to do it.

Blame to Schilling should be for not doing the job himself before leaving and, though I wouldn’t be so condescending to those morons to their faces out of some stubbornly clinging inner voice of decency, I can’t feel bad for them, either.

I mean, if I didn’t know how to do my job, I suppose I’d welcome some advice or accept the deserved ridicule for something so damn simple. Can these guys even wipe their asses?

Yeah, that was a weird one. What’s the urgency to rotate the tires on a Honda Fit of all things? Use synthetic oil before you leave, too, and you still have about 7k miles before a change (especially with the fairly steady load of long highway driving).

But we’re talking about rotating tires, not something requiring a reasonable amount of prior knowledge, skill, or intelligence. If this is a service they offer, they should be able to handle it. Lack of necessary strength aside, I could teach an elementary schooler to do it and anyone over 13 with a modicum of

Yeah, I know how to repair cars and have done plenty of it, but I hate doing it.

When I was a kid, I always wished I’d grown up in a rich family for the opportunities I could have had, but the older I get, the more I realize that it’s the opportunities I got from growing up lower middle class that I value. Relevant to this, I had to buy and maintain my own cars and teach myself to do so or I

It seems like the FIA models themselves after the IOC where the burden of all the costs fall upon the host while the parasite reaps most of the profits until the host can no longer afford the “economic opportunity” they offer and they find a new host.

40-50k annually in manuals in and around Boston. Never had any issues with any of it, though I don’t use my phone or have eaten anything more than a granola bar while I drive.

I’d add that these are low end daily drivers—a person’s only car. They cannot just not afford the cost, but the transportation the car provides for the weeks or more that it would take to do the conversion. All that for less functionality. Even using salvage batteries (which could be different depending on what

And fisherman. They snort and drink half their income and bitch at any restrictions that prevent them from fishing the oceans out and putting themselves out of business anyway.

Since the tie goes to Max, I fully expect him to stuff Lewis at the next race.

Dude, people need their Christmas presents! Everything is delayed enough as it is to stop for something as trivial as a car stuck under the trailer.

I’m not that big of a guy, but it’s the width for my legs, not the length. I don’t know if it’s related to knee injury after being hit by a car, but on long drives, I need to “manspread” or I get this dull pain under my knee caps. I haven’t sat in a newer S class, but I’ve sat in newer full size cars made with the

I taught a completely clueless guy how to get around with it in a parking lot in a pretty short time in a Del Sol he bought, but once he had the instruction, I got out and I think it helped him pick it up faster. That Pontiac, being of far more torque and I’m sure a longer travel clutch with a good feel for the engagem

Also, stealing IP is cheaper than developing something themselves.

That’s more a Mazda specific thing, but not the rule for all Japanese cars. I had an ‘06 Mazda 3 and it was rusting in under 5 years like an ‘80s Subaru or worse (also had 2 of those). The only other recent-ish Japanese cars I see rusting are Hondas, but it’s a lot less common and extensive.

It would be cool if it gets to the point where you can kind of design your own display, including what you want to see. I don’t need to constantly see a map as 99% of the time I know where I’m going and I don’t need a graphic showing me if a door is open, but I would like to see oil temp maybe, especially in the

My BiL has a Cadillac and the CUE system in it SUCKS. Try to adjust the HVAC and you have to take your eyes off the road to unintuitively touch the icon for defrost—the only HVAC icon that normally shows, leading you to think that it’s just showing what is active rather than being the “button” to choose something else

Nice! Let me say, then, that I also hated his writing. If it was a subject I actually found interesting enough, I would scan through all the excess self-indulgent joking I rarely found amusing enough to almost get a snort in order to pick out the content. It was like reading Dickens, who got paid by the word, and his