Mitch Kelleher

Hey, let’s check out the drive-in, kids! When I was little, your grandparents used to take us once a week, but we just had an old wagon with vinyl seats. This should be much more luxurious.”

Before the people of Amity Island are given Quint’s bounty demands for the shark, the battery is dead from running all those

Thanks. Took a while to balance the shifter tension to tune out the ghost shifting that’s largely inherent to the convoluted cable routing necessitated by the rocket body. Strangely the front brake, which also has some bends in it as it goes down the stem out the bottom of the fork to make a sharp 270 turn to a V-brake

Awesome. I was hoping someone who did this for a living would reply. Thank you for being one of the few drivers I can count on to be predictable. I’m the guy who doesn’t ride in your blind spot and drives a good distance ahead before pulling in front to pass or not at all if traffic is coming to a stop.

There’s a nose cone made from a chainlink fence post capital that covers the headlight during the day. And, yes, the shifters work. It’s a little small for me (originally my late mother’s bike), but it rides surprisingly well.

I’ve seen them stuck in traffic and felt that maybe they should be allowed to have an emergency siren to be able to get to job sites.

I was just looking at one of those a contractor at work had the other day and, after spending a moment trying to think if they could fix that ugly abomination of a front end design by going retro ~1970 CK like Ford’s Bronco and concluding that they’re way too tall for it to work, my next thought was how big the blind

While this could very well be a scenario where the MINI was hidden the whole time, I have a general question about the drivers of large trucks: is there an informal hierarchy among them, like is a 50' interstate trailer hauler considered higher up the ladder than a dump truck driver? I ask because IME, tractor trailer

And moderates. It’s so ubiquitous because, when you make yourself a punchline, the joke writes itself.

Thanks. I thought I’d get a few guys in trucks yelling shit at me on it, but even they seem to love it. Women do especially—I wish I made the stupid thing when I was in my 20s.

I’m not pink toned and I can get pretty tan by end of summer, but I still don’t think pinks would work on me.

Good point. I should have specified wild, but I just realized how much more fitting it is that the hierarchy thing works with wolves that are captive.

IMO, pink is a tough color to get to look good in the first place and I’m not much of a fan myself. I think you need the right skin tone, too. A family friend was a dark-skinned Greek guy—big wall of a man with hands like catcher’s mitts who could walk onto any movie set and immediately play a mob enforcer without

He’s mad COVID caused the cancelation of the microphallus contest in NYC this year.

Yeah, he seems like one of those “alpha” losers who don’t understand that a true alpha, if they existed (the whole thing is based on a discredited theoryby the very guy who developed it, evenabout wolf pack hierarchy), wouldn’t think about being an alpha, wouldn’t give a shit about adhering to someone else’s idea of

I wanted to buy a black on red one with the Euro bumper conversion and recent restoration. It was $30k. Went to my first house instead. I’m pretty sure I made the smarter choice. Definitely.

I judge it by usable flexibility and if I feel unsafe trying to accelerate in it, I consider it underpowered. By that measure, my 1983 and 84 Subaru GLs with 73 hp and a 1/4 mile of just under 20 seconds @ 66 mph were NOT underpowered as, with 90 lbs/ft almost off idle, acceleration was reasonable up to 50 and, in

Wow, my Focus ST new was a lot cheaper and for a shorter term. Of course, I also got 0%. That average APR is ridiculous—I took a personal loan years ago for not much more. There must be a lot of people paying 20% and up to get the average that high. It’s expensive to be poor (not that poor=bad credit or well

That’s a good point where the mix is forecasted and probably more or less fixed. My point really doesn’t apply here as much as it would with more flexible companies and standalone models.

What the hell, no purpleheart wood trim? I mean, purple-dyed straight-grain maple or something so it won’t turn brown from UV or artificial purpleheart.

Not what I’d order for one of my own cars, but I would be fine seeing more of that color on the roads. Looks a lot like Ford front and rear clips on a Subaru Ascent

I think in terms of the article and in the way it affects more than a single potential buyer is that, when the dealers do this and the cars don’t sell in significant enough numbers because the inflated prices are too high and pissed off customers go elsewhere, the next generation is cancelled or not sold in that