Mitch Kelleher

Focus ST, as well — it’s the engine’s own intake sound directed toward the cabin with a passive acoustic amplifier.

Focus ST doesn’t pipe artificial sound through the speakers, it uses a passive acoustic amplifier that directs the lower frequency intake tones of the engine’s actual sound toward the cabin.

No, you get about the same range regardless of motor rating. Batteries aren’t analogous to a fuel tank. I tried to type out a whole thing that explains it in ICE terms, but it was probably more confusing that way. I hope the following is all correct and that it makes sense. I tried to keep it simple, but I’m also a

Interesting. I don’t know the history of its availability, but it’s available for free (non-commercial?) now as I’ve been using it.

If this is Ford TC size and doesn’t have a goddamn CVT, it has my interest.

I thought the US Highway system font was Highway Gothic, which I like a lot better than his suggestions with their ugly rooted “G”s, but I still don’t care for it in this use.

With their high turnover rates for sales staff, I would think the real world unemployment effects would be far less.

We had a bobcat in the small city I lived in a few years ago, too. Killed a few pets and some guy got a pic of it on the roof of his car in the morning. I’m glad to see animals adapting. When I was a kid, I never saw hawks, but now they’re almost as common as crows and I’ve even seen a bald eagle recently.

I thought about the same thing when I drove across. This country is far too disparate between regions. I came back wanting New England/Northeast to secede and I have only felt more so as the years have passed (nearly 21) to the point where I don’t consider myself an American, but a New Englander living under

I live in wooded suburbs and have trail cam footage from our driveway of a coyote calmly trotting by with half a cat in its mouth, dragging entrails behind. I’ve also got sound recordings of a pack of them (I think) attacking Canada geese in the adjacent pond and what almost sounds like it could be a victory call,

Somehow, I’ve never had deer freeze in my lights when I’ve encountered them, but I did have a close call with a golden retriever or similar. I turned onto a side street and it bounded out of the trees in my path. I braked and swerved and it tried to turn away from me at the last moment, but shoulder checked my front

I don’t know MaWeiTao personally, but I’m overpaid and I haven’t made any irrational purchases over a couple hundred dollars. When I didn’t have money, I dreamed about doing those things, but now I give it away instead.

Higher weight + higher average speed + easier greater distance, I imagine. I’m building a higher powered electric out of an old non-suspension hybrid now, so I’ll be finding out for myself this summer how necessary suspension is or isn’t (I suspect I’ll find out it’s the former).

I don’t know these bikes, but the reputation for Chinese production is based upon the number of companies who want to build things for the cheapest price and sell it accordingly. Quality can be built there if the appropriate processes and QA are put in place just as anywhere else. Parlee is located about a mile from

“Racing isn’t about global social or political such and such.” Do you have any knowledge whatsoever of the history of F1/Grand Prix racing? Just roll around for a moment the idea of where Ferrari’s red came from, Mercedes’ silver, the famous BRG, why Cobras are all painted the same uninspired blue/white or white/blue

I’m making an assumption, but I imagine the roads in Japan are in better condition than the US, which means the car can more consistently read road markings in a way that is necessary for this to work.

This is a good point!

Outside of the most primitive electric cars that are no longer being sold, swappable batteries make no sense and I would doubt they’d even save much time over fast charging if they were logistically viable, didn’t require distinct disadvantages in engineering compromises to allow, and demand far more facility cost,

Of course they wouldn’t imagine their people getting run over from this because the share of deadly violence toward opposing views leans very heavily to one side.

Yeah, it’s got only slightly more resemblance to the Aztec than it does to a Lamborghini Espada, Maserati Khamsin, or Honda CRX. Actually, I’d say it’s closer to the CRX than the Aztec, though I wouldn’t use either comparison to describe it.