Mitch Kelleher

Wow, that’s just . . . trying so hard. Well, that’s a perpetual growth market it seems.

In high school, I found one of these in the grocery store I worked in. I refused to move it and it became some obsequious kid’s problem. Anyway, I spent too much time wondering if they squatted over the sink risking getting caught or if they loosed it in the stall and moved it to the sink. I assumed the former, but

This was my first thought as well. I’m more controlled now, but old PTSD me would have exercised some of my more advanced driving knowledge, like ramming road blocks. (You don’t really want to ram the other car so much as push them to avoid damage to your own vehicle. If they’re perpendicular, you want to push at an

Yup. When I traded in my Mazda 3, they literally backed it half way out of its space and pulled back in. I somehow got more for it than I felt I should have.

I like Callaway, but never cared for these Camaros and I don’t think the body mods improved the looks. That’s also a lot of miles for something that rattled from new, though it looks to be in fine shape. With ‘90's stuff appreciating, being rare, yet easy to maintain, and something different at a show, it probably

I used to drive a cabover box truck for work and it was kind of fun with a great view and amazing maneuverability.

Considering their quality issues at the higher price point, no thanks. Also, I would never buy anything with that shit tablet console BS, which I’d bet it would have.

I’ve owned several small cars with longitudinal mounted drivetrains and AWD options that had much smaller consoles and those still had a lot of headroom above the sheetmetal humps for the driveshaft or transmission. Those cars were small, but had more room for the driver than today’s full sizes.

Most modern stability systems will fight the intent of a hand brake pull, anyway. Plus, it’s annoying to replace the stretched cables to pass inspection. People watched drivers doing it in rally cars and thought they’d do it, too. Thing is, the hand brakes in rally cars were built with that use intended.

Depending on how they’re programmed and if they’re defeatable, most new cars would attempt to counter the effects of this with their shitty stability systems.

Unless the center diff shuts off when pulling the brake nowadays, you’re not doing it any favors. Pulling hand brake turns (at least used to) cause problems with reduced CD life in Subarus.

I don’t think he’s saying to dispense with them completely, but why the fuck do they need to be so wide? My problem is the base of the dash where I would like to be able to move my knees just about another inch from what nearly everything allows. This wouldn’t have any effect on cup holders, phone storage, or a myriad

Didn’t stop me from being assaulted by a junkie, but I guess people can do some gymnastics when high (I saw a naked woman running in the street in winter with blood down her chest and figured she was a victim of rape or something and needed to get the fuck out of there. Naively and because I don’t know shit about

I’ve been complaining about this for years. As someone who drives about 4 times the average mileage, these goddamn consoles make every car the same size to the driver—more cramped than my early ‘80's Subarus. I don’t know if it’s related to hypermobile joints that have caught up to my age, but I need to move my knees

I was just wondering, does this mean the popularity of BMW is waning?”
I just think that . . . uh . . . their appeal is becoming more selective.”

Yeah, I’ve never had issues getting heat in old cars and the ones with AC blew damn cold because that old refrigerant and power-hogging compressors did the job well. Even with my 260Z having over 20 years on it, the AC kicked ass. Also seemed to eat half the power, but it worked.

Needs more stars for grasping the problem of applying that mentality to everything and for also capturing my frustration with software.

What I’ve seen from people who’ve owned them is enough for me to not consider them. They show them to me and talk about how “they’re not like the old Hyundai”, but they don’t know what they’re looking at underneath. I’m not completely incompatible with social conventions, so I don’t say anything to them, but I note

The Boston Big Dig project everyone bitched about for cost overruns (though certainly not without merit) really transformed the Seaport Districtwhich had been cutoff by the old overpass and left to witherand the reclaimed land for park space added some much needed aesthetic improvement and flow for the area. I’m too

Thanks—I missed the vague custom work mention in the article and I rarely watch the videos. I might miss out on some info that way, but I’ve watched enough videos in the past to stand by this decision.