Mitch Kelleher

But, that’s his point in pointing out the dismal sales—those kinds of buyers are too rare. I don’t know if anyone else sells volume vehicles with that kind of longevity in mind anymore. I think it kind of sucks—I’m a buy-once-cry-once person, myself, and for sustainability reasons, it would be nice if more things were

That’s along the lines of what I would do if I could afford it starting from a castle-style (flat wall) Monolithic dome. Not interested in the LC, though—I also value things that are made to last, but they have to be things I want to last.

Look at people drooling over the new Bronco before it’s even out (even me as a truck hater) and the continued sales of the Wrangler in spite of its reliability and high price. Toyota would have a killer combo with its unkillable reliability and a more “tough”, traditional offroad look rather than the lost-it-in-the-mal

Makes me wonder if children should be able to sue at least the egregiously bad parents for psychiatric bills later in life.

He was probably very proud of understanding how a can opener works, so he was reluctant to let that specialized knowledge go. Everything about this one instance, forgetting the rest of the stuff about him that corroborates it, says he’s stupid and insecure. These people are everywhere. While I always thought that was

And I thought the bank-robber bomber with the fake suicide vest in Justified was an idiot! Fiction writers can’t even come up with shit stupid enough to match the reality we are in.

I don’t pay quite that much, but I agree. Even swapping between winter and summer tires, I still replace about a set a year. Struts/shocks and brakes have lasted well over 100k in my more recent cars.

Jitterbug! The one with the 3 buttons: emergency and the two people who still talk to them.

I’ve had three throttle-by-wire and the 2 normally aspirated ones SUCKED for throttle response off the line (‘06 Mazda3 and ‘12 Focus SE, both manuals). They felt like old cars with worn out points and plugs, making my old MPFI Legacy and even the carbed early ‘80s GLs seem like fresh tuned road racers. The Focus ST

I used to be able to reach all the crank windows easily from the driver’s seat, but cars have been way too chunky with smaller gaps between seats for years (and I’m older and less flexible, I suppose). At this point, it’s probably cheaper to make one version with electric than also offer crank windows that only 3

Perhaps it’s difficult to impossible to quantify and that’s why nobody includes it in these comparisons, but in terms of the cost of lives and degradation in quality of lives through pollution, extraction, wars, corruption, and propping up oppressive regimes for the sake of oil, it will take a long damn time for ICE

And under 6-figure sports cars are an insignificant percentage of the market, seemingly getting smaller, if considering a sports car to be a vehicle with driver focus as a priority weighing under 3400 lbs. (so as to include some hot hatches) and that’s a more generous definition than I’d use personally. Electrifying

This! It felt a little weird at first, but it’s great and I had no worries when everyone was hoarding toilet paper.

Yup, in the last ~600k miles and three cars, the extent of drivetrain work that I’ve needed was an O2 sensor and a purge valve. In the ~300k miles on old cars before that, scheduled timing belt replacements was most of it. It’s suspension and brakes, rattle tracking and elimination, and corrosion prevention/mitigation

You don’t have to do the thing if you look it up. I always look up everything because it might be much faster and more convenient for me to just do something than having someone else do it, but even if I want to have someone do it, I’d like to know what it entails so that I know if the price sounds fair or if they’re

I find dealers to be utterly useless. I’ve bought three new cars and have brought each one back exactly once—two for minor recalls and one for a first free oil change where they lowered my car onto a stand or something and had to replace the front bumper cover. Any minor work has been done by me or the tire shop. The

I think it was the typical hypocrisy thing.

That’s the problem with these: they’ve been cheap for a long time (a lot cheaper than this) and been bought by a lot of “Hey, I can afford to be a baller in a V12 Ferrari?!” people who definitely could not afford a V12 Ferrari and didn’t find out until the deferred maintenance stacked up too far. Ultimately, they

About 20 years ago, I looked into an automatic 4oo in nicer shape in dark blue for $18k at a Dodge dealer. After talking to some people, I concluded that I didn’t want it and it sat for a while, so I guess I wasn’t the only one. These are V12 big money maintenance without the sexiness that usually goes with it

Right, so why would they name the merged entity after those brands, especially with Peugeot’s strength in it? OK, I get he doesn’t want to see the Chrysler brand dead (not that having the brand in the corporate name would preclude its cancellation), but to propose naming the merger after some of its weakest brands