“Like this?”
“Like this?”
Internet scammer poses as Shaggy to target fans, and—go ahead, say it, you know you want to
You should probably go watch There Will Be Blood ASAP.
You haven’t seen There will be Blood? It’s a modern classic!
Not defending the team at all here, but I am surprised that more seats=less legroom. I highly doubt they added rows and instead just made the seats narrower to fit more. If I had to guess these seats with more padding and a less upright position took away the legroom, which wasn’t much to begin with.
Plus now he has the whole day to himself!
This is probably an awful thing to confess and I expect to be judged, but I find Jason Mewes to be really sexy. To be clear, I think I would probably not enjoy socializing with him (and vise verse, I think our personalities would probably grate on each other) but I quite enjoy looking at him and I like the character…
Say what you want about TPM, but tatooine or no, it was NOT trying to be overtly star wars. Attack of the Clones was the one that tried too hard to serve fans.