Lmao that would be stellar but I don't see anyone else dying so my money's on her. I mean they couldn't even nut up and kill Art, although that may have been enough bloodshed for the writers who knows
Lmao that would be stellar but I don't see anyone else dying so my money's on her. I mean they couldn't even nut up and kill Art, although that may have been enough bloodshed for the writers who knows
It would be a nice twist for him to be actually guilty
B+ and Ava's gonna die or Danny Strong is gonna save her
He said pecker
He finna live and they'll let that boys arc run into next year expect some other twist
Fuck Raylan! Dewey Crowe's dream could lived foeva
Definitely murder despite his being of shit
That made me sad too. One of those things you wish you hadn't looked at