Ah, I remember it well. I remember the beginning, the middle, the awkwardness, the tragic ending. And I remember what passed for royal style in the 1980s.
Ah, I remember it well. I remember the beginning, the middle, the awkwardness, the tragic ending. And I remember what passed for royal style in the 1980s.
Only very recently was that age gap considered out of the ordinary.
In a way, she was probably the last of her kind (for the British monarchy anyways). I don’t think Prince William marrying someone so young and so obviously handpicked because she was a virgin would have played well in the press.
Khloe out here feeding the “OJ her daddy” rumors.
Can I sit down next to you? I watched the clip and Affleck was playing along. It wasn’t Kimmel’s “Mean Tweets” self deprecation, but it was hardly tense or uncomfortable.
Yeah I don’t get this headline at all! He was totes fine, if a little nervous being on nat’l TV and being immediately roasted about his looks. he even had that plastered smile thing you get when all your friends are making fun of you and you’re not quick enough to hit ‘em back but also don’t wanna look like you’re too…
At about 1:56 into the Affleck-Colbert clip above, Colbert actually jokes first about any fighting, mentioning they should “fight at the end of the show” and “bare-knuckle boxing.” Casey Affleck responds with a surprised but joke-y come back, “You wanna fight me?” It’s not an invitation, it’s a reaction to Colbert’s…
Actually, there’s a case in France that the police refused to prosecute until there was video proof, so the girl set up a camera in her room and got it.
Just to be clear, an underage victim of incest had to willingly create child pornography in order for her attacker to be charged.
Think about it - I’m a man and it sure as hell looks a lot less complicated to do business w/ a man vs. a woman.
Mad Max all the way.
Or maybe Jezebel should ask one of their lawyer commentators for some assistance before drafting posts about legal issues. I’ve been volunteering for years. Just like when Gawker posted that awful article lambasting the aunt who sued her nephew for a broken arm without any context for why or how that could happen…
Didn’t the hook from Right Round come from Pete Burns et al of Dead or Alive? If they didn’t have to pay royalties on that, I think I can write a few hits for them too.
Specifically, after he drugged and raped Ms. Sebert, Dr. Luke took her down to the beach alone to “have a talk” with her. He threatened that if she ever mentioned the rape to anyone, he would shut her career down, take away all her publishing and recording rights, and otherwise destroy not only her life but her entire…
Even simply the way they framed the whole thing is inflammatory—for instance, Luke is the plaintiff in this action, Kesha the defendant, and Sony wasn’t even a party to the litigation until Kesha counterclaimed essentially alleging that Sony contributed to Luke’s alleged non-performance and Kesha’s ongoing abuse by…
I was wondering what "digital penetration" was, then I got my head out of the pixels.
yessss. Jez/GM’s legal analysis is pretty lacking most of the time. So many smart lady lawyer commenters could be resources to make sure this is right. (I'd do it! I may only be a 3rd year associate, but what I lack in experience I make up for in moral outrage!)
Oh yes, it’s not like “here is a picture of kesha after being raped” just generally it’s a goddamn creepy and inappropriate picture to share. But... she does look fucked up.
If Kesha’s team can’t even get her off Kemosabe in the civil suit, they sure as fuck wouldn’t have been able to get a criminal verdict against Dr. Luke.
All the times we made fun of Kesha, she was living this life. I really really hope everyone continues to support her and she comes through it and thrives. She is fucking brave. This is the saddest and cruelest story of showbiz abuse I have heard about in a long time. And she is probably no way alone in the music biz.…