Mitch Connor

“redeemed”? That’s arrogant.

I don’t see anything actually wrong with the comment now. She was asked if she can understand movies from certain cultures, and her response was basically, “I don’t know much about the intricacies of the Middle East but I think we all share some commonalities and I understand the humanities in those films.” Maybe I’m

It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”

Good on you for trying, but I doubt you’re going to have any luck using reason or reality. This charming gentlemen is pretty clearly far too invested in his belief that are men are the real victims of sexual harassment because the poor things sometimes get criticized when they do it.

“if you criticize the woman at the business meeting for her inappropriate skin-tight tube dress, you will be called a ‘slut shamer’”

This all day. If guys are all, “She gets naked and then shuts it down? WTF is that,” it’s pretty easy to see how they might be confused/miffed about it. And they have the right to be upset, just not the right to take it out on her.

Does that mean if I dress like a general I can start giving everyone orders and they have to salute me? I like this idea.

From the description of your outfit I would’ve guessed they would force you to play Nirvana covers for them. What a wild twist that it has more to do with your gender than clothes!

To me, what it comes down to is this:

In regards to “dress how you want to be addressed”:

“Dress how you want to be addressed.”

I am confused. Why would I force a person to play basketball with me if he/she was dressed like a basketball player? Does that happen? Forced basketballery?

I love Kathryn Hahn

As terrible the effect of the ruling is, it must be kept in mind that this was only a ruling pertaining to Kesha’s request for a preliminary injunction, which is a request for the court to essentially decide the case in her favor temporarily before the trial on the merits. The judge is required to rule on the motion

That’s a fair point, but if Sony isn’t suing to force her to record music then an injunction is really unnecessary.

But the question that the judge had to answer is whether her career was irreparably damaged. Unfortunately, in this case, it can be argued that her prior success hurt her in the end.

She’s in the music industry, which is notoriously fickle. Yet she’s had more success in it than 99.999999% of all people who are in the

I’m an unabashed fan of Kesha and I’ve purchased everything she has released, and I look forward to the day when she releases new music again. As a fan, I hoped this would go her way. But I’m also a lawyer, and sadly for her, I think this is probably a correct ruling. There is really no basis for voiding a commercial

Except that this case has literally nothing to do with the “rights of corporations.” The same result should have happened if this was a contract between two individuals.


As I understand this, it was a ruling against her request for a preliminary injunction to record music outside of Dr. Luke/Sony. The judge quite rightly denied that request. The judge also quite rightly denied Dr. Luke’s request to throw out the sexual assault claims. She can still win after she submits proof of her