Mitch Connor


Can you provide a cite? I’m googling and not seeing anything about the DNA evidence being excluded by the court. Everything I’m seeing says it was introduced to the jury.

Yeah. Those GPS trackers. So unreliable in showing people’s movements.

So wait. You think the only evidence was DNA... like the 13 people who didn’t know each other and didn’t talk to each other who came forward with the exact same story were not evidence? Right.


Like the evidence of his GPS and his cellphone records matching exactly the times and locations of the assaults his victims reported? Like the timing and details of the warrants checks matching exactly the details provided by his victims? Like many of his victims separately mentioning a $20 bill that he would leave in

*Parents. FTFY. Don’t pin this shit all on a woman.

Why are we blaming his mom?! Oh right, it’s always a woman’s fault!


Sorry, I wasn’t making any such assumption...just trying to indicate that the old dynamic worked, and we don’t know how to make the new dynamic work yet. I think it can work, but it’s just not clear to me how yet.

Most of the commenters here have NO fucking idea what they are talking about.

Because the people answering the polls are taught to see all women as the average woman. They are instructed to give a single answer about an entire group of people, for whom they must say “all X are Y”. If you cited every statistic about the average woman and the average man, you’d likely find that the majority of hum

Not that I don’t believe you, but is there any actual unbiased, quatifiable data showing that standards were lowered to accept more female recruits? If there is, I’d love to read it.

I agree, but an 80% disapproval rating is pretty eye opening. These are people being put into unimaginable and inhuman situations, and we expect them to deal with changes to the safety net of a social structure they are accustomed to just like that?

I agree. Although that material does sound terrible. Like not offensive but hackneyed and tired. It’s just basically Tracey Morgan’s “give up the butt” jokes.

It takes a special kind of snowflake to interrupt a performer to judge the tone of their act.

Hey, they are the ones stalking her life daily.

I’ve read/heard that it’s actually really great, and challenging in exactly the way art is supposed to be. It’s the opposite of reductive, as someone who I bet hasn’t seen it has said up top. I can’t wait to go this weekend.

Just wanted to point out that the NYT described Sarah Koenig as the “narrator.”