There’s nothing wrong with being a humanist, but saying you are in response to a question of whether you’re a feminist implies that humanism is an alternative belief system about equality of the sexes, when it has nothing to do with gender.
It disappears sexism (real sexism; not “misandry”) as an axis of oppression.
Probably some reception at the Vatican Embassy with any number of “average” American Catholics, and also Kim Davis.
Wait, since when does Perez Hilton do the decent thing when asked?
A representative for The Weinstein Company
I feel like not that long ago all those sites would’ve just laughed at Michelle and left the picture up. It's nice that they're learning to respect children, but it'd be better if no one had ever taken those photos at all. Children should not be stalked by creepy-ass dudes with cameras just because their parents are…
Well, I went to Catholic school, all my friends were Catholic, and there was just this unspoken rule about Protestants and Catholics not mixing. However, my dad converted to Catholic when he married my mom so half my family was Methodist. Even they used to give me shit for being Catholic and I was a kid! On my side, I…
Staver said the pope also gave Kim and her husband rosaries he had blessed.
As always, I have to go against the grain...
We see report after report of misconduct, rape, shaming, and general woman-hate coming out of colleges and universities in this country. Yet, we’re supposed to... be what? Grateful? Vindicated? Appeased?
I’m just not sure what these Universities think is happening here.…
They had to make sure the Jesuit schools went first. It’s a Jesuit thing. They’re like the priestly equivalent of “FIRST!!!” commenters.
Her Lawyer also said that there was a huge prayer rally for her in Peru, but then used a picture from 2014. So yeah probs.
Growing up Catholic in Oklahoma, I was told repeatedly by evangelicals that I was going to hell because of my faith.
Exactly. Evangelicals believe Rome is the Whore of Babylon. I grew up in the Bible Belt, and in my Catholic school girl uniform was an easy target for the assholes.
there’s a 0.0% chance this is real
I feel like Katy handled it well.
Well this is shitty. I know she’s on drugs but the fact that she’s on drugs and a woman doesn’t really make this less creepy to me. As a woman who recognizes that sexual assault by women is no less wrong than a dude groping a female musician on stage, I kind of wish it weren’t yucked up so much.