Now all we need to ensure peace in the universe is a Kingdom Hearts sequel with Marcus Fenix using a chainsaw-gun on a heartless.
Now all we need to ensure peace in the universe is a Kingdom Hearts sequel with Marcus Fenix using a chainsaw-gun on a heartless.
All this talk of bots is making me wanna boot up Perfect Dark again.
So RDJ gets a 50 mil bonus no problems during Avengers, but ScoJo gets fucked on her last movie? Sounds about Disney.
There has to be a kid in a Cartman outfit that runs through once a week jumping off the cliff and stealing sopapillas off the tables.
Oh Adam, my dude.............what the fuck?
Holy shit, he looks like a main character from a God’s Not Dead sequel.
I think he was Robocop in that failed Robocop reboot?
Do NOT put that evil on David Fincher, sir! Shyamalan wishes he was as good as Sir David.
The first time I saw Slipknot was in 2008 (or it may have been 2009) at the first Mayhem Fest, they headlined. I didn’t realize it at the time, but earlier that tour, Joey had jacked up his foot and Sid, the DJ, had broken both his ankles and was in a wheelchair. Furthermore, I learned that the guitarist Mick had an…
I tell you what: I have an older sister, and growing up, I used to get SO PISSED when my parents would let her stay home from school with cramps, but I have to go with a broken arm (I’m not kidding by the way, I once broke my arm and my Dad still made me go to school the next day, claiming “it’s only sprained, just…
If none of you hateful pieces of shit don’t see color, THEN WHY ARE YOUR CHILDREN HOLDING “SLAVE AUCTIONS” ON SOCIAL MEDIA?!!?!?! They’re getting it from somewhere, ya’ll!!!
You know, I was initially against a reboot/remake, but my wife has some of the comics and they are pretty freaking funny! She also loves the old movie (which, uh, yeah I give her shit for), but at the same time it also had some good dialogue and moments peppered in here and there. Best scene involves Howard learning…
This kind of reminds me of the Kobayashi Maru test. It’s an unwinnable situation that you’re supposed to lose, but Kirk cheats and wins.
Jeez, this guy really was a huge piece of shit, huh?
“Settle down, son?!”
Normally, previous presidents wouldn’t say anything controversial until they were out of the office, and then we could all act like they weren’t massive assholes from the start. With Trump, it’s like, “Oh, he’s making fun of trans people, again? *Yawn* wake me up when he shoots someone on 5th avenue and his supporters…
I think it’s nice that the dealership actually reached out to her directly, but yeah, once something like this happens, it’s really hard to get that “racist” stink out. Imagine being a business owner and you’re a straight up, not racist person who runs a clean and decent business, but you hire one person who you don’t…
First he took his number 23, now he’s trying to co-opt Space Jam. As if I didn’t have enough reasons to dislike LeDork.