The following is a Public Service Announcement for all my fellow pale brethren:
And now Rand is filing a criminal motion against Fauci. I swear to fucking God, put me in the same room as Rand, PLEASE. How fucking DARE you Rand? Your party and your precious Dear Leader Trump is the reason why so many people in this country died. Republicans had control of the House, Senate, and White House during…
Oh fuck off, you harlot. You know damn fucking well why you’re all over her.
“Violation of my freedom of speech.”
Tony Stark fucks. There’s a brief shot of he and Leslie Bibb rolling the the proverbial hay in the first Iron Man movie. Vision and Wanda most definitely fuck, but he’s not able to father children because he’s an Android. Tasha (Black Widow) and Bruce (the Hulk) wanted to fuck in the 2nd Avengers flick, but Bruce…
I had a film professor tell me once that the 3 hardest groups to work with in acting are animals, children, and puppets. By gum if he wasn’t right.
Ok, NFL, you can stop rubbing your balls in Kaep’s face now. I think he’s gotten the point.
Pride is killing this country man. When people get the notion in their head they’re right about something, they will pursue that shit until the ends of the Earth. And then when you call them out on it, they act like you’re the asshole. I’m so sick of this man.
there’s no way he did anything with her, but lying about someone’s sex life can be just as damaging as having real dirt spill out.
Jesus, that really sounds awful. I’m glad no one was seriously hurt but yeah dude you gotta get help.
I think it’s safe to assume any hit man is an undercover FBI agent.
Jesus flipping Christ.
Damn it man, now I got coffee on my keyboard. :/
To be fair, the cop probably didn’t want to escalate the situation by chiding the guy for being a piece of shit. Still, this is like a whole other level of stupid racist dicklicker.
Hey hey hey, my nephew is named Slipknot, so named because my brother knocked up his ex at a Slipknot show, STILL one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen, so don’t you DARE come after Slipknot!!!
Pantera is either gonna get shot and killed OR he’s going to ignorantly wave the Confederate flag in the name of Southern Rock.
“and whether lil’ Metallica has to deal with terrible classmates like ‘Napster’ and ‘Decent Snare Drum Mixing.’”