
I call this the “House Effect”.

As men line up to explain every time anyone suggests that attempting to seduce your female students or subordinates is inappropriate, there is literally nothing worse than asking a man to forego a potential opportunity to get his dick wet. War, genocide, sex slavery — these are mere trifles compared to the indignity

George Clooney has stated that he is supporting Hillary Clinton for President in 2016 because “she is the only adult candidate” in the mix. Bernie’s continuing petulant whining has proven him right.

Yes, I somehow feel that if said fundraiser was held for The Bern, he would no longer find it obscene in the least. Gawd. It’s not like Clooney is holding a Punch An Orphan fundraiser.

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

My husband’s father and aunts all have their tombstones engraved and sitting in their garages. They are also the most miserable, sour-faced people I’ve ever met. Coincidence?

Golf courses and gravesites have a lot in common in that they take up valuable land space that could be used for housing people instead of housing the physically and spiritually dead.

Oh some of them still care. And then when these efforts get opposed by business interests they get to turn around and cry about how “persecuted”they are as Christians.

I like how some of these groups are all hard core about doing things like this and then saying it’s in the name of God but as soon as someone threatens to take the money away the whole fight for God thing seems not to matter any more. If it was about God why would losing money of it matter? Why can’t they just admit

Oh yeah, he’s like a lit fuse. You know it’s bad when ragemonster John McCain says you’ve got a hair trigger.

It’s like we’re living in a Kurt Vonnegut novel.

There already is something in the law that says churches — actual churches, not businesses run by church members — only have to perform marriage ceremonies for couples that conform to their doctrine. No church that is against same sex marriages is being forced to perform marriages for same sex couples anywhere in the

Krazy Kelly would’ve been a nice and easy one.

Fox News standing up for Megyn Kelly now is like three months late. I wonder if they feel they can be belligerent because Trump had another debate canceled and those are big money makers for the networks.

I wish Republicans would stop trying to repeatedly cram their religion down my throat.

That’s why I prefer Arizona over Georgia. It’s the dry hate.

In case of Dingo attack emergency:

Is telling the truth really disparaging though?

Well this was a no-brainer.