I guess she didn’t think the deal was.... a Grand Slam.
I guess she didn’t think the deal was.... a Grand Slam.
Thanks, Obama!
It’s hard to pick one passage that stands out above the others, but I think this one does it for me: “Maister went on to attack Mecklenburg District Judge Rebecca Thorne Tin, who convicted Hardy of assault, saying she couldn’t have ruled fairly because when she was in law school, she co-chaired the Harvard Battered…
Nobody has been this bad at bathing since Whitney Houston.
To me, it seems that Renae-Plant types are quite common among self-founded non-profits, schools and small business. You have to be a little crazy to pour all your money and time into a venture in the first place, and once you do, any criticism, anything less than total, unquestioning obedience becomes VERY PERSONAL.