
I’ve been reading The 33 Strategies of War, by Robert Greene. One of the strategies (paraphrasing here) states that you should work to trick your enemies into stupidly wasting resources doing stupid shit. But if your enemies are stupid enough, then a lot of times you don’t even have to trick them—they just do stupid

Well, but that was in Texas.

Sounds like the kid is halfway to becoming a valet.

Brat, reflexively: “Uh, I’ll have to take a poll and get back to you on that.”

Since he wasn’t a United States citizen, he couldn’t vote, but had nonetheless found his way to Republican events via an older man who, we learned from Vickie, had been kicked out of every Republican club in the city for groping women. “Don’t you say his name in front of me,” she hissed at Pedro, who blinked, then

“ . . . since hindusight is 20/20. “

I don’t think Trump makes the other candidates look sane by comparison. I think he makes them invisible.

Your point is well-taken, but I would just point out that Trump has no connection or access to any political machine—not even the GOP establishment machine/organization. So even if he wins the GOP nomination, he will be shunned by the GOP establishment, which means that he won’t have a chance of winning the general

Rage is their comfort zone.

Knowing what dipshit homers most sports reporters are, I think your money is safe.

Judging from his history, it sounds like this Dear guy has been trying to get sent to prison for decades, but the law enforcement geniuses in his home state have refused to accommodate him. I guess that’s the downside to White Male Privilege.

I taught high school for several years. Some of my female students could have taught ISIS a thing or two.

Catholic priests have got that market cornered.

As for the apologies, the Mohamed family would like one from Irving’s Mayor Beth Van Duyne “acknowledging that she has never been presented with any evidence that Ahmed was a ‘pawn’ in any ‘civilization jihad’ nor that his family was part of some larger ‘influence operation.’

Is this sort of like when the woman who founded Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) went to work as a lobbyist for one of the beer companies?

Mark Cuban is glad he doesn’t have amnesia.

Well, there’s food, and then there’s Denny’s.