
I’ve been urging people at the top of my lungs to see Minding the Gap, and I won’t stop now goddamnit. I liked this movie fine, but in terms of an examination of skateboard culture, toxic masculine energy, familial abuse, and destructive bonding, this doesn’t even hold a candle to it.

Going to be coy about this so that no one else has this ruined for them... But was wondering what anyone thought of the... “hidden” element in the film? For me I could’ve absolutely done without it. I honestly agree with everything you’ve written above but that one specific aspect of it seemed to cheapen it. It’s

Honestly, as a huge fan of both The Room, the lore around that film, and the novel, I was fairly disappointed by this. Not as much as IV, but the uncommon depth the novel brings to the relationship between Greg and Tommy is very much missing in the film. Not to mention the book also provides just as much psychological

Any word on what exactly the recuts are? I saw this at TIFF, mouth agape at how fucking horrible this was, and I can’t imagine any amount of cutting or restructuring can polish the turd away.

Anyone else thrown off by the fact that this “Palme D’or” winner has the shittiest titling and titling effects ever or am I just the worst?

Yeah, but, the video is still FUCKING WEIRD

We're so desperate for remakes as a society, we let Sean Hannity reboot Reefer Madness.

Nah. If anything he's being overly generous to this film. And A.A. isn't known for being generous!

Honestly after Lego Batman, retiring the cinematic cape is probably the best idea.

I think the intense PTSD of what he’s had to go through, as a blind passenger, as someone forced to watch his body used merely as a host, would probably fuck someone up pretty terribly where suicide would seem like a great option.

I saw Norman: The Moderate Rise And Tragic Fall Of A New York Fixer at TIFF, and let me just say, despite Richard Gere's best efforts, it's pretty shit.

Very true, and yet what 1980s PC culture is this we speak of? I'm pretty sure everyone was eating sushi and snorting coke off of Asian women's bellies back then.

Just saw it last night. While I say where Ignatiy is coming from, I sort of fall into the "depiction isn't always endorsement" camp here.
While the left-leaning principles here are definitely mocked, I wouldn't say Eddie Mannix is sanctified here. He kind of has a parallel to Larry Gopnik here, trying desperately hard

All that praise, and then a B-?