No, not even close to the level of the NCAAs. People root for their schools first and foremost, not the individual kids.
No, not even close to the level of the NCAAs. People root for their schools first and foremost, not the individual kids.
No one is watching that no matter what. Do people watch minor league baseball? Nope.
Why would they do that? The NCAA makes these kids a household name for them. No one is watching the NBA D-League. I’m a huge college basketball fan because of my alma mater. I don’t watch the NBA at all. If they did that I wouldn’t cross over.
The NCAA doesn’t write the rules, the schools do. You can poo poo them because 2 sports that make money don’t get their fare share but they also runs dozens of other sports that don’t make any money. You think there would be college soccer, baseball, volleyball or track and field without the money FB and BBall bring…
First off this whole “Death to the NCAA” is intellectually dishonest.people poo poo the NCAA like they are the ones who make these rules and decided arbitrarily that these kids don’t deserve any money. Thats the schools who decided that. We need a governing body. We need an organization to make sure everyone is…
Maybe he’s both?
I know, how terrible is that P6 crap?
9 out of 12 AAC schools now. Last in FB and...well also last in our hearts.
Wont somebody think of the children.
The best part was that he said it over the phone! hahaha
If you love Rodney do yourself a favor and watch Easy Money. Him and Joe Pescie star in this great movie about well Rodney Dangerfield being Rodney.
Hot taek everyone!
Take my star you magnificent son of a bitch!
Funny how most of them are Steelers fans not from Pittsburgh. The front runners will be back soon enough.
The AAC fans really came out to vote this year huh? UConn, Memphis, Navy, SMU, Houston, ECU and UCF.
Jaws is indeed a horror movie. It’s not different than any other movie with a killer stalking a community.
Moron, the nets at Yankee Stadium go as far as everyone else nets. But hey why let facts get in the way of a hot take?
So white business need to stay to their own areas? Um....what?
Laugh all you want but he got to fuck Ivanka when she looked like that. HELLLLOOOOOOOO COUNTRY RUINING NEPOTISM!!!!
Fuck that, I have extreme anxiety issues and being a dick isn’t a part of it.