
Exactly what I said after Osha died! "At least she wasn't raped." Just goes to show how tired I am of Ramsay (& the GoT writers/showrunners) of using rape to hammer the point home that this is a terrible world.

I wouldn't put it past the Tyrells to somehow make Margaery pregnant (if she's not already) if/when Tommen dies. Then the throne would go to this unborn baby with House Tyrell as regent.

I agree with you about Lexa. I liked her when she was first introduced, but it seems like the showrunner has fallen so deeply in love with her (and the super popular Lexa/Clarke pairing) that all detailed, storytelling energy is expended on the Lexa part of the show, to the detriment of the other characters, whose

Did anyone else cackle like a maniac when Jasper tripped & spilled Finn's ashes? Ugh, I hated Finn. SO. MUCH. Even the mentions of him annoy me.

I suppose Amanda can hashtag the picture? Hashtag it with the name of the school or with #hotMILFsatNAMEOFSCHOOL or she can put an @ to the school's twitter page or someone she knows is big on campus (let's say a dudebro from the biggest frat on campus), who will be SURE to retweet it. What I don't believe is that she

"My question is why did he have to perform such an extensive ritual for a mission that he was 99.9% sure to survive?"

I was hoping we'd finish Book 1 in season 1, because I wanted season 2 to start exactly like Book 2. Man, I cannot wait to see Bobbie Draper! Hope the casting's good (funnily, Bobbie has a similar name to Don Draper's kid whose actor kept getting recast).

I've been wondering something ever since one of the Ark people (might've been Clarke) said a throwaway line about the Ark kids being genetically engineered (I wish I could remember when; early season 2 maybe?). And then in this episode, Octavia mentioned that "we are universal blood donors". Now assuming she's talking

Maybe the City of Light is a place where humans can upload their consciousness? So essentially you can't die there (that's why that big dude Emori killed showed up at the end). And you are the ideal version of yourself (Emori's friend, forgot his name, was there without any scars on his face) & you'll be living

I figured there were more than one stealth ship. The Anubis was already dead when the Cant was alive (assuming the scenes of the Pilot's cold open & the Cant scenes were shown in chronological sequence, which I think they were), but there were a couple other stealth ships that lay in wait for the Cant & the Donnager.

Yeah, Abaddon's Gate was my least favorite of the 5, but I enjoyed the hell out of Cibola Burn, as the POV characters were so good & the premise was just right up my alley (at a high level: it's about the struggles of colonizing a planet). And Nemesis Games is spectacular. Let's just say the POV characters were THE

Anyone else disappointed they didn't show that the Anubis' reactor was coated in body parts? I was waiting for Holden & Naomi to come to the horrifying realization. I think this would've added to the crew's dread (& ours) as they entered Julie's room. I remember thinking that this was such

Did Luisa color her hair red like Alison? In the car scene at the start of Cole's segment, we saw a curly-headed redhead next to him in the car & I really thought it was Alison.

Here are some predictions/things I'd like to see for season 10:
- The Holy Grail appearing - This is one of the few major religious relics that haven't appeared yet. In my version, it's actually not a "cup" (or Jesus' descendant), but a human being who is the ultimate vessel (ie. can literally hold the "blood" or

If they do Lady Stoneheart (willing to bet it's the last scene of this season), I hope they don't spoil her appearance by putting Michelle Fairley's name in the opening credits (like they did with Shae - though ironically for me that was the one time I actually fast-forwarded through the opening credits).

I suppose I'm just frustrated that the angels don't realize that, even without wings, they are still the most powerful creatures on earth. Top of the food chain, if you will. It makes me almost miss the days of the Leviathans. I didn't really like that storyline when it was happening, but at least they had a clear

That would've been good, having this link between Metatron & Abaddon & all the souls just lying around. I guess this goes back to the bigger issue of Metatron having no other end game, seemingly no forward planning other than closing up heaven. For someone who's obsessed with stories, he really should think out his

Ooh I like this idea of Metatron retconning a lot of the universe's rules & causing all of these inconsistencies! That would be very meta indeed. (I also agree that changing the reapers into angels is one of my biggest sore points with this show).

Looking back on this season, I'm kinda surprised by how much the angels & demons have left each other alone. I know that they're squabbling with their own internal politics, but if they're looking for a common cause to unite them, why not their disdain for each other's kind? Especially the angels, whom we've been told

& Jaime Lannister in "Game of Thrones", I believe.