Miszko Dino

Only too pleased.

Tchaikovsky piano concerto no. 1 in b-minor first movement

*Well, that's almost a sentence.

This episode was more the simpsons than last week's. Obviously, that's nothing to say more than "bah!" and all that, but that does point out the bloomer in your, that is to say in av club's, grave and opprobious delusion, painfully apparent in its, meaning in av club's, gait.

None of this can hold a candle to " Check out these racy messages she sent me" ; " Oh, Baby :-|…."

I cannot begin to fathom the mindsets of people when they watch a show. I mean, what do they seek? Impulses to trigger a barrage of emotions? Satisfaction through familiarity? Visuals to keep their eyes engaged while they munch away packets of chips? Reading this review, however, steered my hitherto