
You ever know that you’ve really fucked your entire life up? And the life of your husband? And the life of your child? I’ve been sobbing at my desk for the last 3 hours. I’m nearly 30 and I have everything I thought I ever wanted. And I’m miserable. I’ve never had so much self loathing and that’s really saying

Attorney here who does Title IX compliance at a university! Even if this behavior does not necessarily violate your sister’s university’s policy, they are obligated to address it with the boss and take steps to prevent recurrence.  

Um, hang in a second, I’m not positive I agree with the advice here. Depends on the state she’s in how employers decide on conduct - but at many workplaces, potential sexual harassment is defined, literally defined, as **anything that makes you uncomfortable** Has she contacted the President of the university? I’d be

Also, if she’s seeing someone for anxiety, make sure she has her provider document any increase due to the harassment. So sorry she is going through this!

Like everyone has said, document everything! Make sure she forwards the emails to a personal email account. If she didn’t initially do it over email, she should reiterate her complaint to HR over email. All future communication with HR should be done over email BCC’ing her personal account so there can be no claims of

Yes to the documentation. I would add in two more things: Email the person she spoke to about it, and email him so there are digital records.

I agree with the others. Everything needs to be documented. Also I’m glad your sister has support from you.

Oh my god, this PLUS anxiety? I have an anxiety disorder too, and now I’m sympathy anxious.

Talk to a good lawyer. She will help her document everything in the event there is retaliation. (And make sure it’s an employment lawyer.)

You and she have every right to be furious. Also are your sister and my sister the same person because you described her perfectly? I’m sure if I were in your place I’d be feeling the same way. Hell I’m angry for both of you now.

Omg your poor sister. What an asshole that guy is.

*Raises hand* Hey! I know this one... I just finished a mandatory sexual harrassment training class for my new job.

Oh, I feel you. “Santa” was a representative of the spirit of giving in my house - so we knew even at a very young age that physical Santas were actually “helpers” because no one actually saw spirits. Crunchy granola Mom all the way. She’s 82 now. Oddly, we never tried to convince other kids that “he” wasn’t “real”

Misty, you win the internet for the week, maybe even for the whole damn year.

We’re not supposed to question Obama, we just need to know his tastes in music.

Yeah...what law is that again?

Sometimes I wish someone would do something similar for Mormonism. It’s not as extreme as scientology, but it’s a cult nonetheless, and there are a lot of similar stories to be told. We’ve got podcasts, blogs, and r/exmormon, but no documentaries that i know of.

Indeed, I do have a pussy. You mad, brodude?

But we need to put more energy into creating emotionally intelligent and healthy people. Our kids don’t deserve to suffer because of our arrogance.

Good God, all I ever heard from my father was how I was nothing but an expense and a bill to him.