Misty Berkowitz

Any friend of Tiny Cooper is a friend of mine!

I can barely see the screen to type this.....
And why is my face wet?!

A Table for Three by Lainey Reese is pretty enjoyable. Thank you for your recommendations, I've already requested the ebooks from my library!

There are a surprisingly large number of us actual adults who love to read books for young adults. Some YA lit is terrific, and John Green is in that column. Our enthusiasm for the movie is based on our enthusiasm for both the author and the book. There's a lot to the book (including the bizarre, sad, wonderful reason

Ruby, same here! I put none of that on Goodreads. But spill, any good titles you'd recommend to me?

I realize I may be in the minority on this one. My son loved Alaska, and so did some of my friends. I thought it was too bleak and didn't have the same sense of fun as his later stuff. Also, he described the setting really well, so the whole time I felt like I was trapped at this hideous southern boarding school, and

Yes! It's great, although it is possible that you'll be wrecked.

Ugh, no. That was based on a Nicholas Sparks novel. This is based on a JOHN GREEN novel. This will be worlds better.

Any other John Green fans here? My 16 year old son generally refuses to read books for fun (and I think, "how is it possible that you sprang from my loins?!") but will always read a new John Green book. We both read Fault and loved it, so I think we will probably go see the movie together. The trailer looks terrific.

My husband loves Randy Newman. I know more of his music than I would care to.

God, I remember that whole thing. It was AWFUL. My roommates and I were glued to the tv every evening, and could not believe what we were seeing. Anita Hill is a badass for surviving all that with her dignity intact.

Do you rinse your hair with water every time you shower? I feel like all the "no poo" articles online forget to mention that, so I'm never really sure how it works.

Where can I find it? I will totally watch it, but clearly I have to read The Chamomile Lawn again. I only read it once, twenty years ago.

You're a Mary Wesley fan, too? I love her books! And yes, there's plenty of sex in them. My favorite is Harnessing Peacocks, and my second favorite is The Vacillations of Poppy Carew.

I read this as "Mother Theresa Gets the BIONIC Treatment." That would be some movie.

I thought this article was fascinating because I didn't really know some gay men are misogynists. And that's because all the gay men I know are nice people. So are all the lesbians I know. This article has a lot of food for thought, but as a straight woman, I share your concern that readers could think it gives them

He looks wonderful, even when covered with blood and gaping wounds.

I'm still in the greys. Why is this person un-greyed?

Goregous? Really? Spellcheck!

When I post pics from my classroom the children are never identifiable. You might see the back if a head, a shoulder, or a hand, but never a face. It's crazy that she had the pic on her Facebook page.