Water aerobics could be good exercise that won't strain your knee. Good luck!
Water aerobics could be good exercise that won't strain your knee. Good luck!
Gee, Zelda. Thanks!
I love Jezebel. First Nicholas Hoult, now the Modern Love column. It's like you're reading my mind or something. Modern Love is the first thing I read every Sunday morning.
Oh thank you for posting this!!!
Last night at dinner I asked, "if you were gay, who would you have a crush on?" My 16 year old son said Cillian Murphy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I was so proud.
Maybe that's just not a good picture, because to me the back looks unfinished and saggy. There is puckering all along the exposed zipper (and that seems like a bad design choice in itself), the large flaps look...well, flappy, and the black part showing looks like she's accidentally flashing her bra.
When I watched her in Enough Said I was in love with her within fifteen minutes, and I'm straight. I loved her character in that movie! So she does play likable sometimes.
I think Naomi Watts is the best-dressed woman of the evening. Robin Wright and Lupita N'yongo tied for second. And while she didn't succeed, I like the look Julia Roberts was going for.
I'm still on season two, and just watched an episode where she was at a gala in the most incredible dress. Fitz was watching her be flirtatious on the phone and his jealousy was killing him. I love her so much.
Does using the diva cup help with preventing UTIs? I've got one, again, and just read that tampons can cause them. Great. So would the diva cup help?
How do you use Touché Éclat, though? I keep thinking about putting it on my Christmas wish list, but then I realize I don't even know how to use it. Where do you put it, and does it work?
How do you use Touché Éclat, though? I keep thinking about putting it on my Christmas wish list, but then I realize I don't even know how to use it. Where do you out it, and does it work?
Yeah, it would be perfect if they fixed the crotch bagginess.
I love it that she's rocking the Peter Pan collar and white cuffs. I'll grant her the ribbon. This world needs more Peter Pan collars.
Re: #4: I actually really like that nude pants outfit Anna Faris is wearing. I can't really explain why, but if think she carries it off.
Emily Deschanel is like Meryl Streep in that she never looks as good on the red carpet as she should. It's frustrating. I wish they'd both get a good stylist.
I love this. Also, I have an old picture of my (now) teenage sons hanging in my bathroom, and I regularly look at the baby's knuckle dimples in the picture and get all emotional.
Neither of my teen sons has ever used Axe, for which I am grateful. The 16 year old's best friend wears cologne, though. I can always tell he's in our basement as soon as I step into the kitchen. He has good taste though, so it's not too bad. Just a tiny bit too much.
Heather, mine too! I kept looking for the right cologne for him, trying to replicate this great scent I remembered from college, but no luck. Then I bought him Old Spice deodorant, and I realized that THIS was that elusive smell. He smells absolutely amazing — part Old Spice, part clean laundry, part his own natural…
I have gained ten pounds and can only wear two pairs of jeans, as my other pants don't fit. Skirts are out of the question. I'm frustrated and mad at myself and jut wanted to say it out loud. Thank you.