Misty Berkowitz

It's a useful source of crockpot information. I have one, and want to use it more often, to simplify my life. I found a good chicken Parmesan recipe that's way better than my mother-in-law's, so that felt like a little win to me. I love Pinterest, even as I see its ridiculous aspects.

Mr. Berkowitz was a redhead as a baby. I love his...carpet.

Mr. Berkowitz was a redhead as a baby. I love his...carpet.

The Uggs Brooks boot is incredible. I've had mine for ten years, wear them every day in the cold snowy north, and they are warm, comfortable, and not ugly. (Regular Uggs, ugh. These have a log sole and are leather at the foot.).

I'm pretty sure these are the Sorels I own. Very warm and dry.

Then while he's at work, she's at work, too. During that time she's responsible for house and kids. When he gets home, everything gets divided evenly (he cooks, she washes dishes; she gives the kid baths, he puts them to bed; she goes out one Friday night with friends, he does the same the next Friday). It's not

God, I loathe grocery shopping. The worst part is bringing in all the heavy bags and putting it all away. My husband shoes the grocery run once a week, and he loves it. I do the in-between trips, and hate it.

I got married twenty years ago and didn't want to get silly about colors. So I picked a sort of no colors color scheme: white and dark green. We had lots of white flowers and green plants, my dress was white, the bridesmaids' dresses were dark green, and it was very simple and not in your face.

Ugh, I'm sorry. I wish that didn't have to be true for you, and I wish you the best.
One of my sons has a disability (dyspraxia) that makes getting good grades really freakin' difficult. It's an invisible disability in his case though, and he's perfectly intelligent, so people think he should just work harder. He works

I hated the third book, pretty much skimmed it, so I don't remember much about it except the lame, tossed-off ending. I hope they change it a lot for the final two movies.

I hated the third book, pretty much skimmed it, so I don't remember much about it except the lame, tossed-off ending. I hope they change it a lot for the final two movies.

Polyamory is not really my thing, but I could totally support a happy ending in which she gets both of them. I mean, I don't want to choose between them, why should Katniss have to? Also, it would be a better ending than the one Suzanne Collins wrote.

You make a great case, so thank you. I wonder why he isn't able to articulate his ideas coherently, though. And why does he do/say stuff that makes him look egotistical and crazy when he does have substantive stuff he wants to share? It's like he's saying "listen to me" and "don't take me seriously" at the same time.

Yep. When I read MRA stuff it strikes me that none of the men I know are anything like that. The men in my life share many or all of these characteristics: confident, employed in jobs they like that have meaning and value to them, feminist, successful in relationships, totally involved as fathers, good sense of humor,

Preschool teacher here. I had a child with a cognitively disabled mom. They were homeless, too. The little one would wet her pants (mom didn't know how to toilet train her), and then she'd be left in her wet clothes until they dried, and would come to school in those same smelly disgusting pee-stained pants. Yes,

Teacher here. We are not allowed to wipe kids' bottoms. I would never touch a child anywhere near his privates. Plus, who is taking care of the class when I'm in the bathroom with your child, hypothetically speaking?

He's too short! And he looks funny blond. Liam would be a dreamy Peeta.

Yeah, too bad they're stuck in a place with friendly people, great civic involvement, the best park system in the country, a championship WNBA team, amazing restaurants, a great arts scene, fantastic theaters, and great quality of life. Must suck out there in flyover land.

Yeah, too bad they're stuck in a place with friendly people, great civic involvement, the best park system in the country, a championship WNBA team, amazing restaurants, a great arts scene, fantastic theaters, and great quality of life. Must suck out there in flyover land.