Misty Berkowitz

Yeah, too bad they're stuck in a place with friendly people, great civic involvement, the best park system in the country, a championship WNBA team, amazing restaurants, a great arts scene, fantastic theaters, and great quality of life. Must suck out there in flyover land.

Honestly, I'd be happy if he ate buffalo wings, because at least he'd be adding to his very short list of things he will eat in restaurants. I should try it next time we are out.

I love this song, and I know all the words.

My kid is a super-picky eater who likes bland stuff like chicken nuggets and go-gurt. He also LOVES flaming hot Cheetos. I can't explain it.

Okay, I stand corrected. She is not a Southern girl. Having a rich dad helped, I'm sure, but that's not all it takes. She'd have gotten nowhere without talent.

I respect Taylor Swift. She came to fame on her own, with her own words, her own talent, and on her own terms. She is no one's puppet. So she's very girlie; who cares? She is a Southern girl, a part of a culture that is foreign to those of us who grew up in NY or Chicago or Seattle. Many of her fans are Southern

'Chocolate' by 1975. That accent kills me, and the song is pretty catchy, too.

I find "This is the Last Day of our Acquaintance" to be pretty cathartic. That drum bit in the middle kills me every time. Not very recent though, so I'll have to keep thinking.

Theo James is gorgeous, so what are you talking about? I can't wait for Divergent.

And reflective surfaces help baristas read their customers' minds?

Successful LOCAL band. Also, he's not a barista anymore. Has a few CDs out.

Once at my favorite coffee shop, the barista (who was/is in a successful local band) turned around to get my coffee and I thought to myself, "damn, I bet he looks great naked," and he immediately turned around and grinned at me. I was sure he'd read my mind and turned bright red. But the incident made ME grin for the

By not fair, I'm not talking about biology, I'm referring to the young man in the article who DID NOT CARE that his partner didn't come, on two occasions. He didn't even try! And He's not alone, clearly. This is a feminist issue to me, because our whole culture doesn't support a healthy view of women's sexuality.

Nah, Kate Nash just WISHES she was as good as Lily Allen. She tries, but does not quite succeed, I think.

What you said. Also, my principal is a woman and she rocks. She is so wonderful and I'm so lucky she is at my school.

My husband and I have been joking about this study since we first heard of it. He thinks that since the study shows men slow down to their wife's pace, that means he does this for me. He does not. My awesome feminist 5'11" husband does not slow down for little old me. I'm delighted to discover that I'm not the only

But if you say that women don't need to orgasm during sex, then you take men off the hook, and the endpoint of sex will still be the male orgasm. While it's fine for you and for many other women not to have an orgasm, it's not fine with me. I think sex should be about mutual pleasure, and the endpoint should be when

Yes! You said it more beautifully than I could. If women aren't having anywhere near as many orgasms as men it's not fair and it's NOT OKAY.

Who are we to say women should be having orgasms? Um, the millions of women who WANT TO have orgasms when we have sex! The findings of the NYT article enraged me because apparently lots of young men don't even care if their partners achieve satisfaction. That's not equality, people.