
My mum’s name is San Andreas. She insisted on pre-ordering GTA: SA for me, and the resulting conversation with an Electronics Boutique (I think it was still called that at the time) employee went along the following lines:

“I want to pre-order a game, please.”
“Sure, what’s the game?”
“San Andreas.”
“That’s fine. And your

Neither, I’m sympathetically kidding you. (but, such is today’s American internet)

Well, Marvel is doing a Jessica Jones show on Netflix though I don’t think it’d be suitable for children.

If I were Superman I’d trust black Jimmy Olsen to help Supergirl more than ginger Jimmy. Ginger Jimmy could screw up a glass of ice water, and have it transform him into a 50 foot monster.

Weird. I didn’t see her fat husband or her slobbish best friend. Could they add in more gay jokes and jokes about the inadequacies of women? I feel like this isn’t Chuck Lorre enough.

Kinda wish this was on CW. It’s going to get CBSed to within an inch of it’s life until Berlanti can prove to them he knows what he’s doing and do more interesting stuff. Here’s to hoping it lasts that long.

The sehboofs!

It seemed almost insultingly cliche. The small town girl with the mean boss “making it” in the big city? It’s like some executives scrunched Sex in the City, Devil Wears Prada and Superman into a show. Yeah, I want lighter DC, but I don’t want brainless DC.

That’s valid, because just because you hate Superman murdering people doesn’t mean you necessarily want Supergirl starring in a cheap version of The Devil Wears Prada

I was one of those guys whose teeth were grating while watching the Supergirl trailer. After some thought back I think it pretty much came down to the choice of music that irritated me, if instead of the pop they were using it was instead replaced with an orchestral accompaniment I think I would’ve been much more

I really liked Eddie and hope he comes back as a hero instead of a villain. He’s been nothing but a morally upstanding person, even willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect everyone.

Tom Cavanagh will continue to be a regular on Flash is all I am prepared to say.

Because somebody had to be the dumb point of view for the dumb members of the audience, so why not the woman scientist? It’s not like there was a non-scientist cop, an engineer jock, or a journalist in the room too. . .

Reverse-Flash: “That’s my cue to leave.”

Yeah for pete’s sake they had a close up. And everyone during the recaps immediately started speculating.

He is the most casual fighter in all the lands. He blocked the first couple of strikes against him while still unsheathing his sword!

I spotted it at the time and I’m sad as hell about it.

So, I don’t get why the Sand Snakes didnt kill Myrcella. Right? That’s what they were there to do... And they had a dagger pointed at her... Then KIDNAP! Like, why? Kidnapping her makes common cause between Doran and the Lannisters. Killing her forces the war they want. I mean they also could have just let Jamie