

"Why did I agree that whoever lifts it is the new ruler of Asgard? Now I have to go back home and tell them the new king of Asgard is some guy from Midgard named Steve."

I want a remote controlled BB-8 to chase my cats so badly.

That shocked look on Thor's face when cap managed to move Mjolnir a little bit.

It's strange - I saw those Force Awakens promo art before the live stream and I thought: "they look a little poor - like art for cheap toys" and got a little worried about everything that was to follow.

Civil War really needs to be directed by Matthew Vaughn, since he has been proven to improve on anything written by Mark Millar in movie form.

"If you have a bad experience with one enhanced person then you're suddenly profiling all enhanced people and saying it's bad. There are a lot of good metaphors here especially when we head into the Inhuman world about people being different, about people changing, how others react to that and how they are controlled."

Which is why it's so incredibly baffling that one of the reasons Saga was complained about was for its "anti-family" stance. In a shocking twist, people calling for a book to be banned may not have actually read the book!

I am through episode six or seven...can't remember, but yeah, I think it's better than all of the movies. But I am partial to a longer form of narrative than the films can legitimately tackle.

Holy crap, Daredevil was amazing. The first two episodes alone were better than all but like four of the movies! Can not WAIT for season two... I just hope the other Netflix series can live up to what DD has already accomplished.

Now I just need a 'Don Cheadle as Captain Planet' figure.

Given his experience as a pilot, and basic combat training - it seems that Rhodey should be the more formidable armored hero.

Welcome to the Uncanny Valley. I will be your guide.

Hi. I'm the new girl!

Yes, but only 77 cents on the dollar compared to the world's most popular super hero.

This sketch deserves to be in the Smithonian. Honest. Considering how the Smithonian has the original Enterprise model, Archie Bunker's chair, and Dorothy's ruby slippers; Wonder Woman is right up there as iconic American pop culture.

No. Because. . . (since I'm a grey, its the Indiana Jones gif of "it belongs in a museum")