
you’re such a fucking moron lololol I require my students to use proper punctuation, grammar, etc. in their writing pieces. THIS IS THE COMMENT SECTION OF A FUCKING WEBSITE YOU SENTIENT FEDORA.

riiiiiight because teachers can’t use slang, colloquialisms, acronyms, etc. Because (especially on the internet—lol) we need to use “proper English”, whatever that means. Because language doesn’t evolve or anything. I’m signing off now; “More of your conversation would infect my brain.”

lol because I’m not on here everyday arguing with strangers because my life is so rad that I’m out living it ;) you still mad? :D

I mean if it helps you to believe that go for it, but my life is pretty rad actually! You’re the one judging a woman for daring to better herself; you mad, bruh? lolololol

you still can’t use the correct version of “you’re”? What a joke.

As an English teacher, I wanted to puke while reading this comment.

also, there’s nothing “grammatically incorrect” about using gender neutral pronouns; in fact, you probably do it all the time...

Dusty Rhodes: “typical angry progressive retort”

what is wrong with you?

Most of us only dream of sending the rich to the gulag, Comrade Ja did it, and made them pay for it ;)

white supremacy.

there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism...buy the fucking panties and have a nice period...

Don’t care, their boots shouldn’t have been on that ground in the first place. Have a great day :)

Let me break it down for you, ass hole. You may have turned them down, but for the kids who don’t have other options, the military is very fucking appealing. *Some* 17 year olds have that foresight, but many are just fucking trying to get by, to get out of a fucked up situation, to get a paycheck to be able to send

if you don’t have any personal experience with the recruiting process, kindly shut the fuck up because they do prey on kids and I see it all the time. And 17 year old kids don’t have the foresight to always research into these things, brains are still developing at this points and sometimes kids are just looking for

really scrapin the bottom of the barrel, yeah?

Bitch, I don’t need the internet’s sympathy. I was one of the lucky ones who got out and used my benefits to make a better life for myself. I’m luckily not addicted to heroine as a result of my PTSD. I’m not missing any limbs. Fuck you.

There are plenty of reasons to enlist. Military recruiters are notorious liars and prey on broke, bored, and uniformed kids. They’re allowed to fester in the hallways of high schools, they call 17 year old kids to start grooming them early. They promise us good pay, and benefits, and opportunities without mentioning

Because, as a former tool of the state myself, I learned how terrible our military truly is. You don’t need to be a member to see how terrible they are either. The rapes, the murders, the abuse. Fuck outta here with that “support the troops” shit. Our military hasn’t fought a just war since WW2, so don’t go pushing

Sorry, don’t have sympathy for enforcers of U.S. imperialism and straight up fuckery and war crimes...and I’m a veteran myself. I just happened to learn my lesson.