
Ellen has become a fucking asshole

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven know I’m miserable now.

...and Heaven knows I’m miserable now...

But he’s celebrating a well-earned recognition through hard work and bootstraps, not a diversity handout.

She’s the worst but man even I have no clue what this dude is trying to say

Annnnd Katie Rife again. Did they hire you direct from Gawker? Is that why you cradle the Gawker-balls so hard? Because you absolutely insinuate that a fucking Gawker Blind Item is anything to be taken with merit. Which is wildly irresponsible and just shy of fucking retarded (and being autistic, i reserve the right

I’m Spartacus


but did they thank God for winning an award??

Let’s be honest, this never happened.

Sorry, the formula worked back then because people weren’t concerned about PC. The formula allowed different races and genders and cultures to relate, not to the shade that the girls were colored in, but to their personalities. Siblings and friends would give themselves a label, “I am more like Bubbles”, “I’m more

My aunt was talking about how Frank Gifford (Kathy-Lee’s husband) years ago slept with a woman who only did it to set him up. She got paid to do it by the Globe. There had been rumors of Gifford cheating for years so they probably figured it was easy money. Apparently Hart was in the same position.

The attacker was a 41 year old mentally ill woman.


Wha? It’s the bride’s sister who is the problem...

Did you miss this part?

Nancy Pelosi forfeit her right to indignation when she made a practice voting for bills she had not read.

AND they changed the color of the model. Go home libtards!

Is it because he somehow has a larger net worth than Chyna that he has to pay her?