
Elron HubTard

The doll looks like it’s performing a drag review of “Whatever Happened To Baby Jane”. I’d be worried it my insult my decor, but not scared for my life.


Don’t join any club that wants Kevin James as a member.

Sounds like the plot to the next Netflix Kevin James movie. A lovable schlub is recruited into a cult but his clumsiness and ineptitude only helps to bring down a worldwide brainwashing organization from within. “Why?-anetics”

I don’t think those kids were o.k. with just how different he was.

I once called the cops on a guy who broke into and stole change from my car. I’m sure he needed it, but that doesn’t make me an asshole for reporting the crime. We’re living in a fucking society here.

The only nightmare here is the SJW pansy advocating committing crimes during a natural disaster. Guess it’s ok to loot your house too then, right?!? As long as the looters aren’t white, of course.

Communist criminals love crime

because these sites (is it still the gawker universe?) have decided that this kind of criminal behavior is acceptable. they tend to pick and choose sides without any discretion. trash sites, all of them

so I guess there’s no limits. Albert says kill your neighbor for his bottled water.

I’m wondering why they are wearing ski masks if they don’t think what they are doing is wrong.

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Llorenzo Llamas would have more sense than this.

and 6'4" in annoying!

Okay Taylor

Seems like Lea Michele’s relationship is fine and zandy.

*Governor Carcetti

R.I.P. Mayor Carcetti.