
No, I said that Hamas, which is considered a terrorist organization, wants to kill Jews.

I agree with this, but also think there are plenty of reasons to be critical of Sarsour. There’s space btwn accepting a false rightwing narrative and blindly supporting your own.

Hahahaha. This is such bullshit. There’s no part of Sarsour’s persona or logic that isn’t troublesome. I started writing out a whole thing, but no. She knows exactly what the anti-Semetic dog-whistles that she uses mean. She has no nuance and never responds to any legitimate criticism, instead claiming to be

The point I was making was that I highly doubt she would support a united Yugoslavia which did not consider the rights of ethnic groups to self determine. I am not arguing that she ought not to voice her criticisms of the Israeli government, I am arguing her antizionism is thinly veiled antisemitism. I am sorry if my

or dont sympathise with someone who was in the get way car of an ambush law enforcement


She is critical of policies that oppress Palestinians yet says nothing of the oppression of women who live under Sharia Law. Linda Sarsour is a walking, talking joke, and I don’t need to read 5,000 words to figure out otherwise.

Wow. You don’t even hide her gross comments about other women and antizionism. Also, her antizionism is antisemitic considering she only has a problem with a Jewish state and not a Muslim state, nor is she calling for a United Yugoslavia last that I heard. When you believe that ethnic groups and religious groups (say,

what a fracking shame. and w/ long form weird serial stories being lauded (stranger things, game of thrones, the list goes on)....they chose to go all 1990's He-man

Their mission was accomplished: free publicity.

I get the man tax thing. I don’t get the whole women get priority seating thing. Do men get priority seating elsewhere in Australia? If a woman wants me to give up my seat, do I have to give it to her?  

I am cool w/ everything but priority seating.

Yeah, I dunno. I see what they’re trying to do. But maybe coffee should just be for staying awake, not staying woke.

“This guy is part of a culture in “sciences and technology” that is predominately male, seeking to twist facts to ensure that those in power stay in power and that he maintains his advantage.” Did you even read his manifesto? Explain to me how this guy did any of that? All he called for was an open debate, if you

Wow call me too invested in it or whatever but I actually fucking HATE Amber’s post. If you’re not going to commit to putting the prongs in your hair you don’t deserve to share a diptych with Ariel you HACK.

Unpopular opinion: As an athiest democrat, that believes in diversity, I struggle to understand the popularity of seeing people fired for writing their opinions, even if its not my cup of tea. There are so many kind people ive met, that I think are completely delusional people, i see them praying to magical beings,

Nobody is failing to grasp this. We simply think Google should stop pretending they are apolitical, and openly announce that they are hostile to conservative views.

Utterly ridiculous.

To me, the reverse is true - anti racism is being justified as an all important prerogative that rides roughshod over evidence based thinking and free speech. It doesn’t matter if facts, logic, or the need for open discourse are discarded - all are expendable in the drive to “not be racist”

The company specifically states that his viewpoints are up for debate.

The problem with that is that the progressive left labels anyone a Nazi if that person’s position is different from theirs. I remember watching a youtube awhile back that had conservative Ben Shapiro (a devout jew) being called a Nazi by some social justice warrior.