
Nice, I was going to go with “vanilla-thalidomide swirl” in order to get a jump on treating your armadillo-induced leprosy outbreak, but yours is much better.

I’m sorry, what? The USA’s federal crime agency statistics are “useless”? Because they disprove the fake narrative of victimhood coming out of organizations like CAIR? Really? What are they doing? Making them up, just for fun? You don’t know what you’re talking about.

lol @ trying to turn this into a hate crime when it’s clearly a lover’s quarrel turned bad or a rapist covering up a rape.

Really? Too many who wish her harm?

“I am sorry that it happened to this woman.”

The series is so symbolically iconic. The ‘synergy’ (hate the word, love the meaning) between Gibbons and Moore was on a whole new tier of teamwork - arguably a perfect storm of talent, experience, publishing and marketing timing...the works.

*laughs in Spanish*

I would not even look twice at any of them if they were walking down the street. ... but they all just look like average dads now


Yes it’s the conservatives that are hateful. Thats why they keep taking up arms and shooting democrat politicians right?

It’s a shame DC had to bring Watchmen into their wider universe.

As are others...

Yeah, it had all the elements of a timeless classic.

Thrilling Maine Adventures, which is a spin off of Why The Fuck Do I Live Out Here Again? comics.

Okay, I watched the movies so I know who Rabid Raccoon is, but I’ve never heard of Fearless Maine Woman. What comics do I need to read to get caught up on her backstory?

The Raccoon Weekly Sentinel has a version of events, noting that an autopsy on Bandit-E9458 showed no signs of rabies and digging into the human’s past altercations with animals, including her stepping on a field mouse when she was 9.

On Blake Shelton’s birthday, his mind isn’t what’s being blown.