
She’s right black people will never get a fair deal in European/ American countries. Racism cannot be solved and all white people are racist. Now that we planes all black people should be given money and free tickets and head back to Africa where they can live freely and without racism.

This makeup brand cares about nothing but MONEY.

women have breasts* in part to “make the girl look grown-up and attractive.”

It would be so great if tyler perry went to help dressed as madea. Imagine the surprise when madea rolls up in row boat givin out a mill.

Did anyone tell north korea we have gays in the military. Now i know why they got rid of the don’t ask don’t tell policy the army must have on to this new dance warfare.

Don’t worry your daughter will eventually hate him and love you, then hate you and love him, then hate you both, then begrudgely come to terms and accept you both, then get married and understand, then have a kid and not understand, then get divorced and understand again. then put you in a home because you have

Didn’t she change her name on the show from skye to Daisy, what about that chloe. speaking as a pissed of horizon.

Well i know who her eyes remind me of.

Thanks and always remember as Ferris Bueller says: Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Wow didnt know they know each other , or that dogs could gram.

Tony Shalhoub.

guess i cant risk it, i don’t want to repeat what happened last time.

Statler: I don’t believe it! They’ve managed the impossible! What an achievement! Bravo, bravo!
Waldorf: What, you mean you actually like legos now?
Statler: No, they’ve made them even worse!

So I’m confused is she a matchmaker because she matches couples or her wardrobe and hair.

I would date you if i was sure i wasnt being catfished.

Almost time for me to culturally appropriate some tacos for lunch. I’m so hungry right now.

Wrong, music is terrible now. we all know it via the VMA awards.

Paul bart Xenu cop.

Ask and you shall have to ask or fuck off.

Was it annabelle , that would make sense.