
If a man is good looking they will probably cheat on you , if a women is good looking they will probably cheat on you. Because everybody wants to fuck them and they have so many options. So if you want a long lasting relationship find the most disgusting, lowdown,  butt ugliest, looking like the bottom of your shoe

Didn’t anyone tell Stupid seaworld its killer whale not kill a whale. sheesh.

I can’t believe bill bellamy was freaking out about kate and leo I didnt know he was such a huge  titanic fan.

I wish i could turn back time and not have heard this.

To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable.

Team :Is that your mom up there dancing.

We should get rid of these statues and all references to slavery in text books. History is a yoke around our necks and learning that one’s ancestors were slaves just breeds anger and a feelings of inferiority while learning that your ancestors were slave owners brings anger, guilt and embarrassment. These emotions

You laugh but these roughens dare I say rapscallions with their syrup computer shenanigans caused the great crystal pepsi disaster of 1992.

valar morgulis  “all men must die date”.

“Several members of our family have been being harassed or threatened by random strangers, due to our connection with Peter. I know in particular that Peter’s sister... has been contacted or threatened at her workplace, under the assumption that she must be a nazi or endorse nazism. We also have some relatives

see family, at least im not a neo-nazi.

You mean all i had to do to get my family to leave me alone is become a neo-nazi.

Sorry I was just projecting and sort of lashed out. It just that ive heard this so many times oh she doesn’t have many female friends there must be something wrong with her, she can’t be trusted. It reminds me of high school clics where you had people judging others by the company they kept. Anyway your right, hope

Maybe she is just a woman who doesn’t make friends easily or prefers her own company, I find hard to trust women who have a ton of “friends” their usually vapid and phony.

Her gene simmons interview is legendary.

Aaron did beat Shaq in basketball so anything is possible.

Sorry your names a terrorist group now. I’m sure at one point adolf was a fine name but now its associated with hitler your name is associated with a terrorist group who cut people’s head off people remember that shit,  and that’s what is always going to know for. Kind of like how Kaitlyn Jenner killed the name

For the defense i’d like to call , the president of the united states.