God I hate that term!! I have large lips and as a teen I did not need old gross guys telling me I had some nice DSLs. Or for my friend to tell me that her Mom said my lips were such a waste on a lesbian.
God I hate that term!! I have large lips and as a teen I did not need old gross guys telling me I had some nice DSLs. Or for my friend to tell me that her Mom said my lips were such a waste on a lesbian.
Oh God! Laugh, def laugh.
I can just picture it...
I’m lazy and do not feel like googling so I will ask you...Is that what the thing is called? I thought the cup was hockey.
As a Texan woman I thank you, PP needs all the help it can get.
1) I was at Sunday school and the teacher was making waffles b/c when you are really little Sunday school is just about keeping the kids busy while the grownups hear the real sermon. I had to pee but I had never seen a waffle being made before and didn’t want to miss seeing it happen. I held out long enough to see…
I get that. I feel pretty much the same way but my evil side does get a chuckle from it. Just like in high school when a bully at my school got his house toilet papered. It isn’t nice, I would never do it, but still.
I hate that. It is like girl, stop, just because I like women does not mean I am want all the womens. I had a friend that couldn’t get over the fact that she wasn’t my type. Vain much?
I know some people are not into AA but that is where I started out. Call a local AA clubhouse to speak to someone. When I first got sober people gave me rides to the clubhouse. People watched over me as I got clean. I wasn’t a hard drinker so I didn’t really detox like some. If you get the dts if you don’t drink…
Happy Birthday!! I’m sorry things are hard right now. I don’t really have any words of advice but I’m sending you good vibes that things will get easier.
Welcome to the fun!!
I vote on Monday, the first day of early voting in my state. I am pumped!!
Oh my, that is lovely! Great color and pattern. I’m super impressed by crafty people.
Aw!! Your Grandma sounds like a real sweety.
Haha, no, we were born in the early 80s.
I live in a red state that likes guns so I don’t advertise my affiliation. But I sure did get a kick out of seeing the Jeep in front of me give the finger to the huge truck next to him b/c truck dude had Trump painted on his window.
I like your parenting style!! :)
Makes me think of my camp friend who told us she was born at Woodstock. We were the same age and I don’t think Woodstock happened in the 80s.
My mother gave me a ring that had little markings all around it. I loved it and wore it all the time. In 6th grade when I started feeling all things magical I told a classmate that the writing was a witch’s spell. Of course she didn’t believe it. Of course it was a lie. The ridiculousness just spilled from my…