
It's not really that "cooler heads prevailed", it was more the mutual understanding of the strategy, which was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_as… .

It was both sides understanding that if they made the first move, - or any move - that it would be their last.

And it is precisely why nuclear nations should NOT

panties OFF.

It's about the same size as a Canadian quarter.

It's not like he was carrying around non-American money of which to take a picture, nor should he be expected to offer comparisons in every worldwide currency. If you want to know how it sizes up to your money, find a comparison between a US quarter and whatever you want and go from there.

What? They don't allow music in this town?

Do NOT ignore the posts in your Facebook feed about the Mars / moon thing. Mock them RELENTLESSLY.

If you click on the small triangle on the right of "News Feed" under your picture then you have a menu that allows you to change the ordering from "Top Stories" to "Most Recent"

I second your wish for a friends-only feed. I've been able to somewhat curate my feed so that it's largely original posts from friends by simply clicking "Hide all from ______ " on everything from the advertisers and media sites.

Maybe they're not wearing it?

In a related story, former secret service agent Clint Hill, who was with JFK in Dallas, says if he had been one second faster he could have taken the third fatal shot. In an interview he says he has agonized over that "failure" ever since, and wonders every day how different the US and the world would have been if he

What a short-sighted, stupid idea. The NBA, NFL and other comparable billion dollar leagues have all seemed to realize that all allowing fans to post clips does is to encourage and grow the grassroots fan base of their respective sports. Those clips are posted by and watched by millions that love their sport. While it

Two things about this...

Before they opened the Zakim Bridge in Boston to vehicular traffic, they let everyone walk across to check it out...it was quite cool to be on the bridge and look around.

The Red Sox invited him to Fenway for a the last game of the regular season on September 28th, where (assuming he stays healthy) he'll see Derek Jeter play in the final game of his career.

Oh, Mime might be great too, no doubt. I didn't want to recommend anything that I haven't personally used, or seen being used from close quarters for a lengthy period of time. That's the reason for not including more names :) A tech reviewer friend didn't have good things to say about his iLoome protector, fwiw.

(Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray, South Pacific, Walter Winchell)

Having worked for Comcast, I can promise there will be no positive or substantive changes made. But then again, we already knew that.

well if you cant afford one you gotta bitch about it right? ;)

How witty