
"When all you have is a foot, everything looks like a ball." - Greek Headkicker...probably

Why did the goalkeeper trip the celebrating player

This is what I wonder too. Is the dean of students/assistant vice president of student affairs considered somebody within the "Student Conduct office" and does informing her of the allegations satisfy the Title IX requirements?

Aaron Rodgers overinflated them and they exploded. Sorry, Packers fans.

How about the video evidence of ball warming during the Vikings-Panthers game? Seems like a smoking gun for ball tampering, but we know how Rodger likes to ignore video evidence whenever possible.

Just... bravo. Seriously, well done.

There are 12 balls used for offense and a set of 6 balls used specifically for kicking.

I forgot how a very specific instance of following the rules requires payback.

Some of the CC roasts have featured folks who are both funny and know the roastee quite well. The William Shatner roast was pretty good, mainly because George Takei was awesome in it.

If they had thrown the jerseys to the ice during a stoppage in play, I would agree 100%, as hats are thrown to the ice during a stoppage.

If the refs didn't notice while handling the balls constantly but a Colts equipment manager noticed upon touching one ball once, I have to wonder how that guy magically knew while the professional referees did not.

Could the balls deflate below the minimum allowed PSI if they inflated them inside right to the minimum level at the time of the pre-game inspection, where it was warm, then used the balls outside in the cold?

From ESPN's article on the allegations:

From ESPN's article on the allegations:

ESPN follows the People Magazine model of focusing intently on a few people who bring viewers no matter what (even if other people are more newsworthy, like talking about how Lebron spends his day off instead of covering highlights from a hockey player's INCREDIBLE peformance the previous night) while Skip Bayless

CBS likes saying they're the #1 most watched network, so yes, they are desperate for continued viewership and ratings.


Seriously. Even if I see something in front of me, if the News Feed updates without me reloading the page, that post can up and disappear, even if I scroll to look for it. Posts near it will still show up and the odd post from days and days ago can appear, but not the post I wanted...

Ashton Carter is next

One is a currency alternative and one is a coupon for a certain level of service. That's why they're different.