Mister Voxius

Not just the bathroom-trolls who work so hard to disenfranchise "the gays"?

That is a very interesting perspective.

to Zamunda?

A taco inside a live chicken.

I am the only Mister Voxius in the world ;)

just signed Black's petition. Will report on whether my vote shows up.

No idea. That's me making fun of millenials.

Goddamnit Dukey! I was rooting for you.

Oh, I thought it said WAKE horror movie. I expected recent zombie converts.

reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? that's stupiddddddddddddddddddddd.

You been woke since the fit hit the shan!

I'll miss their cook-offs.

Well, I feel good that I've never given them any money. The only Slayer I ever owned was Decade of Aggression, and that was from a used CD store.
I always liked them sonically though. I think Rubin treated metal in a way a lot of producers just couldn't hear.

cocaine is a disinfectant?

Yeah! Yeah! they still have a few of those where my wife works!
She's a librarian.

Also "Ready for Love" was a MTH song before it was ,Bad Co. (guitarist wrote it, was in both) Much better version.

"Team Zissou" from The Life Aquatic by Seu Jorge. Seems like a great song to walk away to.

or Trump is talking poo again. Trump is full of poo. Trump hired hookers to poo on his forehead.

Five Guys everything is a waste of good everything. Especially money.