Mister Voxius

Fush Yu Mang!

We rewound a bit and seemed like we saw "Rhaegal" fly away from the scene. But you are right, it was left very unclear.

Careful, you could end up on Skid Row, amongst a Motley Crue.

Un-skinhead Bop!

I'd argue it's more legit. Blood lineage is just a sack of shit the ruling class sells the poor. amongst other things :)

of course, of course.

Somewhere lurking , are the Romp-him Hammerskins…

Only real Americans use Russian domain names!

Then "All Star " kicks in and EVERYBODYS DANCING!!!!!

Fuck! we can't even escape to your side anymore??


I didn't say she falls for him

He is a Real American, according to a music video I saw 30 years ago.

I'm glad someone does.

anyone want to hear my crazy ass theory? good.
The whole "A queen more beautiful than you…' prophecy means Dany, right? something about taking everything she loves?
Jaime falls in love with Dany, and Cersei goes fucking apeshit, because she's stepped over him all these years throwing him just enough bones (pun intended)

I know how I feel , but your results may Varys.

I would buy the box set with a commentary track by LJ.

Wait until he takes his face off and he's Arya.

Go see a Star War.

like "Homer Jay Simpson"?