1337 MR2

It is not.

It’s fairly weak, actually.

Who’s deleting posts in here? The comment count has actually decreased a couple of times.

Are you even capable of writing something that isn’t snarky or mean?

Wait wait wait... You expect a professional writer to not go around insulting his employers customers? LOLOLOLOL

** insert witty snark here **

Nothing anyone can say justifies the implied and direct thread of violence by discharging a firearm in anger. It’s a mind game; A very powerful, scary one.

Why don’t YOU grow up? Please? Are you even capable of writing an article or comment that isn’t just snarky and mean?

How long will it last? TOO LONG.

It’s still violence even if hedidn’t actually hit her. Many victims ofDV suffer verbal abuse as well as the threat of physical violence, both of which are mentally damaging.

Fuck Aroldis Chapman. He’ll make a perfect Yankee.

I couldn’t possibly have done that jist for this thread full ofredneck-lovers, right?

You’re welcome

Rednecks are specifically shitty. yeeehaw

Never said anything aboutthe south. I specifically only called out rednecks, who are everywhere.

Canada is actually fairly difficult to immigrate to, for Americans.

No. Not really. =|

Redneck alert!

That doesn’t make someone a redneck. Bigoted, Jesus-lovin’, liftedtruck-driving, beer-swilling yeehaw idiocy is what makes a redneck.

They’re nice if you’re white and drinking beer or talking Jesus with them.