mister truman

It hasn’t been announced, but general consensus is that it will be out in around a month.

I've also noticed that when I launch the campaign on my PC COD HQ restarts to launch it so it apparently can't even handle running the games smoothly.

I used to ride my e-bike to work pre-pandemic, but the roads feel a lot more dangerous than they used to. I swear drivers have lost all patience when they get behind the wheel.

Saltines frankly pair well with literally everything. Thanks for a new suggestion!

3 weeks is definitely plenty of time to finish a game, but lots of people also have financial constraints and aren't buying two games in a single month.

I tried this once or twice long before tiktok, and it was ...fine. using thick slices left it with a neat texture, but even seasoning the flour resulted in a dull flavour.

Theyre 87 cents, Fritz. YOU CANT GO WRONG.


Maybe. Maybe they don't know what COD will be in 10 years or if it's still relevant. Maybe entirely new people will be in charge at both companies and all of the arguments they're making now will have been proven pointless. Ten years is a long time in business.

I feel it’s the appropriate amount to ask.

Is stainless steel really good for appliances though? My old fridge was white and it looked fine even if I passed a damp paper towel over it once a year. My current fridge looks like 50 toddlers live here (there are zero toddlers in this house) and I clean the front thoroughly twice a week.

His performance as Iron Bull was far and away the best thing about Dragon Age: Inquisition. The guy has talent but maybe hasn't always been cast well.

As a longtime Civilization fan, I could have told you the 2K launcher is game-breaking garbage.

The UI sucks, but the missing elements (like a timer for your double XP or THE ENTIRE BARRACKS) is a pretty awful oversight.

Can anyone explain why Blizzard would rather I watch someone else play this game than play it myself?


Just because you can invite windows and Android users to the chat doesn’t make it a great option for us. The other apps all run on everything already, so they're an obviously better option.

This is kind of ridiculous. The wipers standing up don’t have much surface area to catch in the wind, and living in Canada for 46 years I have never heard of anyone getting damaged wipers from the wind in a blizzard. On the other hand, I have personal experience scraping windows with a thick coat of ice covering the

Hmm. I love it nice and thick straight out of the carton, but you may have just broadened my culinary horizons once again, Claire!

Air fryers also solve one of the instant pot's few drawbacks (that everything is wet); I love to cook ribs to ridiculous tenderness in the instant pot, then throw them in the air fryer for 5-10 minutes to crisp up. They come out just about perfect.