
This is not a ‘both sides’ issue. When the question is “should police be allowed to kill unarmed, sleeping civilians” the answer is “no” and there’s no option to be tolerant or open-minded. There isn’t a compromise “police can have a little murder, as a treat” option. While there might be different solutions to the

At 85mph, you travel just a hair under 500 feet in four seconds.

There isn’t anything “arbitrary” about speed limits. A group on a city’s or county’s commission doesn’t just sit at a meeting and go “Hey, let’s make some shit up to generate revenue.”

Not paying enough attention and following too closely is what causes people to brake hard. They didn’t just appear in front of you.

At 100MPH you’re massively decreasing your reaction times, cornering ability, braking ability and your car’s safety systems (airbags, crumple zones) ability to do their job, and also everyone else’s. It’s simply irresponsible.

You CANNOT cheat the laws of physics

I design roads for a living. The posted speeds are based on science and are far from arbitrary.

This would be the viewpoint of someone who chooses not to look past their own nose to see what’s in front of them. 165K Americans are dead, and millions more are infected by COVID-19. If it takes a tad longer to buy a freaking Corvette because of a pandemic, so be it. 

Allowing cloud gaming services to offer streaming games on iOS would give Apple a chance to become more relevant in the gaming world, beyond the self-contained walls of Apple Arcade.

Except there is absolutely nothing that validates your theory. No one really cares about a handful of diehard gamers, and, to be honest, most die hard gamers, such as myself, have no desire to play console games of the phone anyway  

It is also amusing because RP switched strategies to screw Hulkenberg out of his position in the race, so that he wouldn’t beat Lance Stroll and embarrass the Strolls.

Nobody sane outside the sports gave a shit about deflated footballs or “sign stealing” but here we are. It’s almost like a part of the integrity of sport is following the rules that all participants agreed to.

How do we know she’s a criminal? As far as I can tell, she has not, as of yet, been convicted of any crimes. That would make her a SUSPECT, not a criminal.

Was this happening in the middle of a riot? Was the safety of the armed officers so threatened that they couldn’t announce themselves before aggressively grabbing this person to throw them in an unmarked vehicle?

Just in case you missed my first comment, get fucked you fucking asshole.  Fucking assholes like you are the reason this country is so fucked right now.  Get the fuck out you piece of shit.

Plain clothes, running up and snatching someone without clear establishment of what authority you are representing is not how we as Americans accept an arrest. This person was not a violent extremist or anything that would require a tactic of this level. Nor would would we arrest someone who did meet that level in

Do you lick the boot or do you also suck on it too? Like whats your technique.

Also, the negative partisanship is the reason we have no empathy anymore...and when you can look at this an be like “cool” then our democracy is fucking dead.

Seriously, how many of us are reading this at work and can’t take 5-10 minutes to watch a video? I almost exclusively read this site while I am at work.

I won’t spoil the story for you

It has been done. It is an optional feature on the Toyota Prius. It is the 'solar powered ventilation system' as part of one of their optional Packages