I think an MRA-type would think it'd be an issue if anyone had an issue with him wanting a woman to lose weight. But who knows. They're all idiots..
I think an MRA-type would think it'd be an issue if anyone had an issue with him wanting a woman to lose weight. But who knows. They're all idiots..
And clearly Entertainment Weekly has known for some time - I'm sure it'd be great incentive for exclusive access to GoT stuff to have to promote this fake show as well. I think that's more likely to happen sooner rather than later, frankly
Honestly I just have a hard time getting worked up over being "lied to" from producers of big tv shows/movies. It's a completely different game than it was even 10-15 years ago. Without this obfuscating there'd be even a smaller chance these things wouldn't get out early, so if it helps them trick 50 viewers, I don't…
Enough for a good nice-sized fight, but lost enough where he won't have a chance in hell of winning (not that we couldn't have guessed the outcome if a recently resurrected character is involved)
Or a good movie
It'd be if it turned out their creative differences are based around Smith just telling DC that BvS was as close to an objectively bad big-budget movie as possible.
What channel/streaming service? This sounds intriguing.
I'll be the Asian dude saying, "I don't think it's racist - it's the whole joke". I frankly liked Dong in this series and didn't have an issue with the portrayal since they avoided a lot of "obvious" jokes and even said at one point, "enough, we get it, his name is Dong", so I think I have a feel on the race humor…
Which I find kind of odd because Felicity has gone from whatever she was when the show started to CEO of her dead boyfriend's company - she managed to do all that when Laurel was alive. So not sure what exactly Laurel was blocking Felicity from doing.
Ah, the bliss of the intentionally ignorant. Especially when the video is embedded on an article you intentionally clicked on and responded numerous times to.
The point is that Trump found it amusing to do to others, so Oliver saw no issue with doing it to Trump. And also, that part of his allure is simply the branding that comes with a name that sounds regal, like Trump, as opposed to Drumpf.
I loved the parallels between Ezra meeting Maul and Luke meeting Yoda. You'll notice some of the dialogue beats are the same. "Away with your weapon, I mean you no harm", etc. It was a subtle but really cool callout to ESB.
They absolutely do not shoot the whole season "at once" (if that means to you they shot and edited it together all before the season aired. That's more the Netflix model).
Oh, not just TDK and TDKR -
Why the hell do you assume these people think they're accomplishing "something"? Or that they aren't doing something else? I know, I know, you have a few friends on FB who do this and they are pieces of shit who don't do anything, etc. etc. Fine. But that doesn't mean you know what their motives are or if they think…
I was realllly hoping she'd do the awkward lifting motion Clark made when he said that in the movie….
Ah I remember being a kid, watching an episode of transformers, then immediately hopping online to read adults' criticisms/reviews of the show. Those were the good ol' days!
Yeah you're right about that second part - I remember finding the Donner cut DVD commentary particularly interesting in that regard. Just didn't stick with me enough ;-)
Also removing the whole plot about clark and Superman splitting into two entirely different people at one point.