No, that's just what keeps Jeb! coming back
No, that's just what keeps Jeb! coming back
Yeah it's pretty insane that apparently Donner felt that doing that two movies in a row would've been a good idea.
Such a great point. Ahsoka was REVILED when they first introduced her.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the last we'll see of an iteration of Braniac.
Well that's a bit melodramatic
I like the show and don't care if you didn't care for part of what I liked about it. I think you're mistaking factual inaccuracy with people having an issue with a subjective disliking of a show.
So that one scene made it a kids movie?
"PUA were teaching men basic social lessons rather than some forbidden secrets"
I mean, they were following a few key players who noticed the issues. To change the genders of these real people just for the effect of having more women…..that's the proper solution for you here?
Yeah this seemed less a shoutout to me and more a "it'd be weird if he wasn't part of her fantasy life on Krypton" kind of thing.
Depends on how often Jeb Bush re-watches each episode
Ah it frustrates me so much when people say my chili is really good but could "use some beans".
I like how he somewhat implies he's OK with putting a few people in jeopardy - just not any more.
You deny the Holocaust just ONCE and that's all you're known for!
And summarily dismissed soon thereafter
I honestly had no idea this woman was in an actual position of influence in his campaign. That takes this from "kinda insane" to "fucking nuts"
Wow I didn't know people using two words meant the entire world grinded to a halt. Shit, not even this website grinds to a halt over it. Get a grip man.
Wanna go to the Gap?
If only solar energy could be stored in some sort of, I dunno, battery?
Yeah you got me there. I was administering a test. I thought I snuck it by you.