
Cupid is totally from the bible! I forget what part though…


that's it! you're all expelled …. violently from my bowels.

Jimmy Carter: History's greatest mother.

Happy Easter, Asshole!

No, someone else wrote it. It just kind of tickled me to read a comment about AVClub's reputation from five years ago in the context of the Mass Exodus of 2013.

wow. "Your style of criticism is going to mar the AV Club's reputation if you're not careful."

"Lots of laughs to be had but frustration quickly sets in when you realize that you need to back out from one poster to the main page of posters, hover over a different poster and click on the glasses to view it. Would it have killed them to include a 'next' button on the full sized poster image?" - me, reviewing that

which bit is up your alley? the 50s setting? or his southern voice…

i'm thinking parabolic dish array. or a modified van eck decoder

BBS Porn!

Yup although I don't know if 'pretended' is necessarily the right word, as they actually did co-headline a tour in '94 together. Also with Marilyn Manson (for Portrait), PWEI (for Dos Deidos), Reverend Horton Heat and tons of other bands. It was my first concert! There was a water bottle riot after NIN! Hash!

wow I'm from Vancouver and I never found that severed feet thing weird at all! anyway it's pretty cool to be on a list that's not just 'Top 5 Best Places to Live' or 'Cities with the highest proportion of vacant Residential Properties owned by Foreign Investors'

yeah that is really fun

yup i also came to post about this wicked subversion. also,

my understanding is that it can talk, which is very rare in a dog.

what the hell is x-factor, and where can i bitch about the fact that brooklyn nine-nine is not on tonight!

@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus I think you're thinking of 'minnie's crew', which he orginally wrote for (and had rejected by) Playboy. Y'know the one where buddy wakes up with a hardon and there's an eight inch tall doll-girl from outer space who wants him to fuck her so she can teleport his jizz to