
I'm somewhat hesitant to admit that we do in fact have 'penis races'…. we call it the Saucer Game…. basically get 3 dudes together, put an olive in the center of the plate, and everyone has to attempt to get a boner first and touch the olive.



"You wished for another me!?"

well, they take after their mother in that sense

"It was a dark and silent night." - Helen Keller

Nancy Boys

"A monkey butler? Is that how they do things in Arabia thorny?" "How the hell should I know?"

To th' fhunny fharm!!

Also that Mudhoney cd (possibly "my brother the cow?") where the last song is the entire album played backwards.

Metallica "…and Justice" and "Ride the Lightning", Midnight Oil "Diesel & Dust" and "Blue Sky Mining", Savatage "Gutter Ballet", Testament "Practice what you preach", Rush "2112" and "Presto", Motley Crue "Dr Feelgood" and "GirlsGirlsGirls"… must have been two more but I can't recall now. I do remember that the first

As a cable guy/av installer I heartily endorse this comment.

Yes, yes they did.

"I was on the floor, and people were on the ceiling" -A Baby, Tronspotting.

now that's my kind of fact!

Thank god! Was coming here to post same. AVClub not letting me down. I would totally start watching TDS again for sweet Normness.

I do, and I tell ya, the ones with pigtails or ponytails fly the furthest. My neighbour hates me!

Blondie's "Call Me"

We never saw the firefight, but Declans' guys had a whole junkyard to work with including raised outposts with armed guys and lots of cover. They saw unexpected incoming vehicles and sounded an alarm immediately.