
No, I’m suggesting you don’t have to go outside and breathe there. You can GO ANYWHERE ELSE. I mean seriously. You aren’t entitled to good smells when you go outside your house. Some people like certain smells, some don’t. Who’s the all powerful being that decides what smells okay and what doesn’t? You are being

Do you have to smell it though? Are they holding you hostage making you breathe it in? If they’re on their property, I’m sorry, you are going to have to get over it. Their car pollutes the air, ban cars! Their barbecue smoke makes me hungry and hurts my eyes, ban it! Their freshly cut grass bothers my allergies, ban

I’m in the same boat. I loved the beta and played every minute I could. I found my favorites and started branching off from there. I know Blizzard will support this game, but $60 on console is steep when it can be had for $40 on pc. I rarely buy new released games as I’ll pick them up on sale. Hopefully this goes on