
I was named after my Uncle Steve, who was undergoing a surgery and it was going to be a legacy name if he didn't make it. my mother knew a Steve back in the day as well.
I have God parents - my aunt passed away 3 or 4 years ago.
My godfather lives in Lock Haven PA
I am very close to them.
I place a flower on my aunts

Solidarity Upvote

Third Man

Captain America?

when I saw this gas debacle
first thing I thought of was NOTLD

Dingo and the Baby

I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you are swell in my book

Dude no lie my friends mother in law broke his dryer two days ago.
Hope things get better for you


Thanks - you are super cool as well!

MisterSplendiferous never leapt home.

My dad used to do it all the time.
Its a trait I have inherited

im usually there in the early evenings after 8 pm EST
I ask what have you learned today
and the weekends

hope you feel better!

I want to wish you good luck…et al ., etc

Its the two issues where she's in the Savage Land. - 22 and 23
I figured itd be a surprise and a nice way to say hello!

I read the first 2 trades and I picked up the 3rd one today.
I haven't watched it yet- but a friend from work said its pretty spot on from page to screen.
I'll take her word for it and pass it along to you!

Thanks for making this a place to shine!

I love all my friends and compatriots here